



Bug #3926


Rule page display time increasing lineary with the number of reports in DB

Added by François ARMAND over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Web - Compliance & node report
Target version:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


We have a case where the displaying of rule page time increase enormously with the number of report in DB:

The metrics are as follow:

  • number of nodes: ~75
  • number of rules: ~45

(clearly not much)

And the timing for rule page:

  • reports for ~12h (DB: 2Go) => 6s
  • reports for ~24h (DB: 4Go) => 10s
  • report for ~48h => 19s
  • report for ~3 days => 35s
  • report for ~4 days => 1m5s
  • after, timeout of the server

Note that even for really few reports, the display time is already 6s!

Moreover, in that case, the database process seems to be CPU bounded, not I/O bounded: the i/o wait is almost 0, but CPU (when the page is rendering) is 100% for the postgres process.
The index are well touch (96%).
Java and Slapd do nothing during that time.
Other pages, like node list, are fast (in order of 1s) to display.


  • there seems to be a linear complexity somewhere in the query we are doing for rules.
  • the index are well used, but they may be not sufficient

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of Rudder - Bug #3674: Missing index on DB for "reports by nodes" leads to timeout for node list pageReleasedFrançois ARMANDActions
Actions #1

Updated by François ARMAND over 11 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #2

Updated by François ARMAND over 11 years ago

Yesterdays, we tried a lot of things (update to last available linux kernel, update of postgres, removing compression on ZFS, switching from ZFS to ext4, twicking grsec, reindexing, removing a lot of reports...)
We ended with only reports for the last 12h or so, and by putting back the non composite index (see #3674)

Today, Coredumb reported that the rule display time didn't increased even if the number of reports doubled.

So it seems that the solution was to adding back the non-composite index.

We will see in some days how things go.

Actions #3

Updated by François ARMAND over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from 8 to Rejected

Coredumb reported that with both indexes (as describe in #3674), the rule page loading time is constant.

So that problem was a sequel of the missing index on node only.


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