



User story #669


The Techniques define their compatibility with a target agent and OS

Added by Jonathan CLARKE about 14 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Web - Config management
UX impact:
Suggestion strength:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


The metadata in Techniques enables the definition of the following elements:

  • A list of compatible agent technology and version (like cfengine-community >= 3.1.2 | cfengine-nova >= 2.0.1)
  • A list of compatible OSes (like debian-5 | centos-4 | windows-server-2003 | windows-server-2008 | windows-xp)

The Rudder application will be able to correlate the compatibility and what is actually on the node so incompatible Techniques will not be applied on them.

This verification will be done when a Directive is added to a Rule: if member nodes of the selected groups are not compatible with the base Technique, a warning popup will be displayed and will say "Warning: some of the target servers for this configuration rule are not compatible with the Policy Template in use", and a list of the incompatible nodes with details (what is incompatible)

Actions #1

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 13 years ago

  • Category changed from 14 to 9
  • Target version set to 10
Actions #2

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

This is partly done by #1379, which allows defining the OS and agent version compatibility in the XML file.

Currently, this information is just displayed in the PT details - we need to actually use it!

Actions #3

Updated by François ARMAND over 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from 10 to 24
Actions #5

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from 24 to Ideas (not version specific)
Actions #6

Updated by Matthieu CERDA almost 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from Les PT définissent leur compatibilité avec un agent et un OS cible to The Techniques define their compatibility with a target agent and OS
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #7

Updated by Alexis Mousset about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

10 years after: we never used it and ended up removing these tags which are all very outdated.

We now rely on compatibility mechanisms at the methods level for agent features (agent-capabilities or more recently CFEngine macros), and target OS might get reintroduced at some point.


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