Bug #13792
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 6 years ago
Init check on Rudder at start ensure that groupAll classic Nodes known by Rudder (Using a CFEngine based agent) group hasPolicyServer-root is correct by wanting <pre> Attribute(name=jsonNodeGroupQuery, values={'{"select":"nodeAndPolicyServer","composition":"And","where":[ {"objectType":"node","attribute":"agentName","comparator":"eq","value":"cfengine"} ]}'}) </pre> but on checks that the ldap, we have <pre> Attribute(name=jsonNodeGroupQuery, values={'{"select":"nodeAndPolicyServer","composition":"And","where":[ {"objectType":"node","attribute":"agentName","comparator":"eq","value":"cfengine"}]}'}) </pre> group contains only the nodeId 'root' - so it will always empty the group at boot (note We should not edit the space difference in JSON) nodeIds of this group at start