


User story #14194

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 5 years ago

Currently when you upgrade your Rudder, ncf could be out of date due to browser caching of web resources, since our js/css files are not cached. 

 One way to manage this is to add a parameter to url which would be set with the version of Rudder 


 instead of having: 

 <pre><script src="/js/ncf.js"></script></pre> src="/js/ncf.js"></script><pre> 

 We should have:  

 <pre><script src="/js/ncf.js?version=x.y.z"></script></pre> src="/js/ncf.js?version=x.y.z"></script><pre> 

 We should set version to dev on the source code, and only replace 'dev' by the version at build time when we know the valid version (could also be at tag time but would prevent to do this on nightlies ...)
