


User story #10551

Updated by François ARMAND about 5 years ago

We want to make the policy generation node by node, so that: 

 * a faulty node does not block the policy generation for other nodes,  
 * in case of very long generation (>30 min), we don't have to wait the whole time to have node starting to get new policy generation, 
 * errors are reported on a node by node basis 
 * we can have a meaningfull progress bar for the generation ("7 nodes out of 25"...) 

 This, of course, lead a number of questions, for example:  

 * how do we manage dependencies (typically between a node and its policy server, if hostname change)? What happen if only one the the two updates breaks? 
 * how do we make errors understandable and discoverable? Imagine if 7000 nodes are in error.  

 (and certainly a number of others).  

 Moreover, the parallelism of the policy generation can be more fine-grained controlled with the environment variable: @rudder.generation.maxParallelism@  
