User story #3112
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 5 years ago
We should be able to use the informations from the inventories in the Directives. This is not the case now, then we have no way to make a symlink from /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/linux-number-of-kernel, for example. In the inventory, we have informations like: * Hostname * OS name, version, SP name * ips * RAM Memory * Kernel Version * policy server id * local administrator name * architecture description * timezone They A method like ${rudder_variables.kernel-version} which return the kernel version of the node would be made available very helpfull. We have two main problematic to care of: - how to use such properties in JSON, techniques (and ncf-builder, see #5225 and used #5449 for what was the problem with variable ${node.inventory}, like ${node.inventory[os][name]} Issue is: environment variables), - how do we differentiate all ips (we have simply a list) handle multi-valued properties such that reporting style works as expected.