


Architecture #7471

Updated by François ARMAND over 4 years ago

I put files in /var/rudder/configuraition-repository, git added them, and queried the api to import them in Rudder 
 curl -f -s "http://localhost:8080/rudder/api/archives/restore/full/latestCommit" 

 I had the following error 
 [2015-11-25 14:24:10] ERROR historization - Could not find version 1.0 for Technique with name someNewTechnique missionPortalManagement for Directive dc1d684f-eb61-48ae-a074-13e876a055df 
 Generation obviously fails, and the Web Interface complains that it doesn't find the technique (in the directive screen, the technique is in red) 


 After 5 minutes, problem automagically solves itself as the techniques is correctly imported by auto-import 

 Happened in 3.2, may happen on any versions 

 WORKAROUND: this is because the technique library is not updated before an import, and so the new techniques in the git are not seen. After 5 minutes, the default "auto-update technique library" process happened. So the work around is to force a technique reload before importing: 

 # add files on git & git commit, then: 
 curl -f -s "http://localhost:8080/rudder/api/techniqueLibrary/reload" 
 curl -f -s "http://localhost:8080/rudder/api/archives/restore/full/latestCommit" 
