


Bug #19173

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago

Brace yourself for this bug description. 

 Using multiple "\" in a class parameter leads to inconsitent behaviour 

 h2. Technique editor 

 |_.Number of \|_.Value|_.File edited|_.State of edition|_.Report|_.State of report| 
 | 1 | /tmp/escapedfilebyfileonlyone\s | /tmp/escapedfilebyfileonlyone\s |    OK | /tmp/escapedfilebyfileonlyone\s | OK | 
 | 2 | /tmp/escapedfilebyfiletwice\\s | /tmp/escapedfilebyfiletwice\s | NOK | /tmp/escapedfilebyfiletwice\s | NOK | 
 | 3 | /tmp/escapedfilebyfile\\\s | /tmp/escapedfilebyfile\\s | NOK | /tmp/escapedfilebyfile\\s | NOK | 

 and you get the idea 

 h2. Rudder built-in techniques 

 Used with Technique Check generic file content 


 executing command 
  sed -i 's#next if .*issuer_cn.*Let.*Encrypt.*#next if ($info->{\x27issuer_o\x27} !~ /Let\x27s\s\\\s+Encrypt/i);#g' 
 breaks reporting, as it is seen as missing, and there is an unexpected reports with same value but a \ less  

 Error is around the \\\s  
 Missing report is  

 and unexpected is 

 It's because the evaluation of the command replaces \\ by \, resulting in a bad report 

 h3. Workaround 

 Note that using the generic method @File replace lines@ with parameters: 

     Line: (\s+next if \(\$info->){'issuer_cn'}( !~ \/Let's\\\\s\\+Encrypt\/i\);) 

     Replacement: ${match.1}{'issuer_cn'}${match.2} 

 works as expected.
