


Enhancement #10415

Updated by François ARMAND over 2 years ago

We should configure meaningful default name in +techniques/default-directive-names.conf+ for directives, at least for core techniques like Users, Packages, etc.  

 Application Management: 
 - Package manager settings (RUG/YaST/ZMD): 
 - Package manager settings (Zypper): 
 - Package repository keys: (RPM/APT): 
 - Package sources (Zypper): 
 - Package sources and settings (APT): 
 - Package sources and settings (IPS): 
 - Package: Make sure package {package} is present 
 - SNMP installation: 

 Distributing files: 
 - File content: 
 - File content (from remote template): 
 - File download (HTTP): 
 - File download (Rudder server): 
 - Manage keys-values in file:  

 File stat conf: 
 - File and directory basics: 

 File stat conf > security config: 
 - File Permissions:  

 Jo scheduling: 
 - Scheduled jobs: 

 System settings > Miscellanous: 
 - Partition size monitoring: 
 - Rudder SNMP configuration: 
 - Variable from command output (string): 

 System settings > Networking: 
 - DNS settings: 
 - firewall: 
 - host local entries: 

 System settings > Process: 
 - Processes: 
 - Services: 

 System settings > Remote access: 
 - SSH authorized keys: 
 - SSH server (OpenSSH): 

 System settings > Security settings: 
 - Monitor a file or directory content: 

 System settings > System management: 
 - Cron jobs: 
 - MOTD and pre-login banner: 
 - User cron jobs: 

 System settings > User management: 
 - Groups: 
 - Sudoers: 
 - User: 
