


Bug #21905

Updated by BenoƮt PECCATTE almost 2 years ago

This is a problem, it's not easy to see what wen't wrong when we try to save a technique. 
 We have to define a strategy on how to provide the feedback. 

 h1. Currently 

 We disable the Save button when we consider that a technique is not valid (I.E: empty technique name, empty method required value etc). We display bellow the input, an error message, but in case of a method it's not easy to find witch method is on error unless we open all method and check if there is an error message bellow the input. 
 And the difference between the normal and the disabled button is hardly visible, which adds to the confusion. 
 In addition to this, on creation, no error message appear, so it's can be hard to see if we forget to complete an input especially in methods 
 Error message below are trigger after a first edition of the input 

 h1. What we can do 

 These are some ideas of how to improve the actual behavior, somes of this ideas are not compatible with each other, we have to decide which we want to apply, or define new ones. 
 * add tooltips when a technique is not savable of errors messages 
 * add a global message in method section to indicate which methods are wrong 
 I.e "Method "A, B, C" are on error, please verify their input"  
 * Never disable the save button and let error notification from API provide the error message (=> this implies that the API provide relevant error messages) 
 * Put error messages on creation when no inputs are filled yet 
