


User story #25383

Updated by François ARMAND 21 days ago

In the following scenario of reporting with the "worst" reporting logic, the root block result is surprising :  
 block1 : worst => 0% error 
   - block11: weighted => 33% error 
      - gm1: 0% 
      - gm2: 100% 
      - gm3: 100% 
   - block12: weighted => 100% success 
      - gm4: 100% 
      - gm5: 100% 
 We expect a worst of 33%, as if the @block11@ itself is the worst component 

 UPDATE: we need a new reporting logic kind, because both make sense in different contexte (the other one when we base our logic on the compliance level structure, not the percent). I'm updating the type of tracker accordingly.
