


Bug #4419

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago


 Some categories / groups are missing after a "migration"  
 Clean cashes don't help. 

 Doc used for the migration : 

 Test case : 

 Server A (source) : CentOS release 6.3 + rudder-server-root 2.6.10    [previously this server was in 2.5.4 then 2.5.5 2.4 and updated in 2.6] => all category/groups/rules are present. 
 Server B (new one) : CentOS release 6.5 + rudder-server-root 2.6.10 [fresh install] 

 Example of Categories / Groups (Categories/sub categories label include « - » ; groups label include « _ ») : 

 - toto 
 -- Dev-toto 
 ----------dev_toto : static 
 -- Prod-toto 
 ----------prod_toto : static 

 Example of error :  
 [2014-01-27 10:12:02] WARN    com.normation.rudder.web.components.RuleGrid - Disabling rule '00_PROD - gauntlt' (ID: '230d9328-6276-4686-9447-ac3d7d66e4fd') because it refers missing objects. Go to rule's details and save, then enable it back to correct the problem. 
 [2014-01-27 10:12:02] WARN    com.normation.rudder.web.components.RuleGrid - Rule '00_PROD - gauntlt' (ID: '230d9328-6276-4686-9447-ac3d7d66e4fd' target problem: Error when retrieving the entry for NodeGroup 'NodeGroupId(53fae266-c6b8-49a2-8820-0334e9a4cf73)' 

 Enable and save the rule doesn’t change anything (but we have the « success, your changes have been saved » popup).  
 I found that some Categories and some of groups have not been « re »created.  
 Here is the error message in the stderrout.log :  
 [2014-01-27 10:08:04] INFO    com.normation.rudder.repository.xml.ItemArchiveManagerImpl - Importing groups archive with id 'HEAD' 
 [2014-01-27 10:08:14] ERROR com.normation.rudder.batch.AsyncDeploymentAgent$DeployerAgent - Error when doing deployment, reason Cannot build target configuration node <- Error when retrieving the entry for NodeGroup 'NodeGroupId(9216614d-e060-410a-94b9-ffa13fb5274b)' 
 [2014-01-27 10:08:14] ERROR com.normation.rudder.batch.AsyncDeploymentAgent - Deployment error for process '13' at 2014/01/27 10:08:14: Cannot build target configuration node 

 Workaround (too long and borring if you have like us a lot of category / groups): 
 - mannually recreate« Prod-toto » category with « prod_toto » group 
 - add the group to the affected group list by the rule. 
 - saved the rule and re-enabled it. 


