


Bug #5808

Updated by François ARMAND over 9 years ago

Technique that are not found anymore in the git repository must be disabled.  

 Moreover, the error message is quite unuseful: 

     No technique available for that active technique 

 Great, what technique ? What version ? Is it used in directives ?  

 And finally, if you go to the technique tree, the active technique without matching technique are just not displayed!  

 What the user is expected to do ?  


 A workaround if you know what is the ID of the missing technique is: 
 - to add-back the technique with a version in /var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques/.../    + git add & git commit  
 - to go the Rudder page Administration -> Techniques 
 - click on [Update Techniques Now] 
 - the technique name should appear in place of "No technique available for that active technique" 
 - now, you can remove it from the active techniques tree: click on it, and in the technique details at the bottom of the page, click on [delete] 
 - and finally, you can remove again the technique files from git and the file system.  

 What the user is expected to do ?
