


User story #2738

Updated by François ARMAND over 9 years ago

CFengine is unable to handle too big files payloads in the Enforce a file content Technique. 

 In Rudder 3.0, the limit is at 16ko and the error is at the promise validation time 
 The error message is: 

     input buffer overflow, can't enlarge buffer because scanner uses REJECT 

 Before, the limit is at 4ko ou 8ko, and for example, when When trying to apply a backup-manager configuration using it, there is a deployment error, outputting this: 

 Expansion overflow constructing string. Increase CF_EXPANDSIZE macro. Tried to add " 

 # Should we purge only archives built with BM_ARCHIVE_PREFIX 

 # You may want to nice the commands run for archive-creation 
 # (Recommanded for desktop users.) 
 # Choose a nice level from -20 (most favorable scheduling) to 19 (least favorable). 

 # The backup method to use. 
 # Available methods are: 
 # - tarball 
 # - tarball-incremental 
 # - mysql 
 # - svn 
 # - pipe 
 # - none 
 # If you don't want to use any backup method (you don't want to 
 # build archives) then choose "none" 
 export BM_ARCHIVE_METHOD="tarball-incremental" 

 # Encryption - because you cannot trust the place your  
 #                archives are 

 # If you want to encrypt your archives locally, Backup Manager  
 # can use GPG while building the archive (so the archive is never 
 # written to the disk without being encrypted. 

 # Note: this feature is only possible with the following archive types: 
 # tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 

 # Uncomment the following line if you want to enable encryption 
 # available method: gpg 

 # The encryption will be made using a GPG ID 
 # Examples: 

 # Section "TARBALL" 
 # - Backup method: tarball 

 # Archive filename format 
 #  	 long    : host-full-path-to-folder.tar.gz 
 #  	 short : parentfolder.tar.gz 

 # Type of archives 
 # Available types are: 
 #       tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar.lz, dar, zip. 
 # Make sure to satisfy the appropriate dependencies  
 # (bzip2, dar, lzma, ...). 
 export BM_TARBALL_FILETYPE="tar.bz2" 

 # You can choose to build archives remotely over SSH. 
 # You will then need to fill the BM_UPLOAD_SSH variables  
 # If this boolean is set to true, archive will be saved locally (in  
 # BM_REPOSITORY_ROOT but will be built by the remote host). 
 # Thus, BM_TARBALL_DIRECTORIES will be used to backup remote directories. 
 # Those archive will be prefixed with the remote host name. 
 export BM_TARBALL_OVER_SSH="false" 

 # Do you want to dereference the files pointed by symlinks ?  
 # enter true or false (true can lead to huge archives, be careful). 

 # Targets to backup 

 # You can use two different variables for defining the targets of  
 # your backups, either a simple space-separated list (BM_TARBALL_DIRECTORIES) 
 # or an array (BM_TARBALL_TARGETS[]). 
 # Use the first one for simple path that doesn't contain spaces in their name. 
 # Use the former if you want to specify paths to backups with spaces. 

 # It's recommanded to use BM_TARBALL_TARGETS[] though. 
 # Warning! You *must not* use both variables at the same time. 
 # NOTE: The Debian package will only update BM_TARBALL_DIRECTORIES  

 # Paths without spaces in their name: 
 export BM_TARBALL_DIRECTORIES="/etc /home/* /root /var/log" 

 # If one or more of the targets contain a space, use the array: 
 # declare -a BM_TARBALL_TARGETS 
 # BM_TARBALL_TARGETS[0]="/etc"  
 # BM_TARBALL_TARGETS[1]="/boot" 

 # Files to exclude when generating tarballs, you can put absolute  
 # or relative paths, Bash wildcards are possible. 
 export BM_TARBALL_BLACKLIST="/var/archives" 

 # With the "dar" filetype, you can choose a maximum slice limit. 

 # Extra options to append to the tarball generation  
 # (take care to what you do; this will be silently added to the  
 # command line.) 

 # The tarball-incremental method uses the same keys as the  
 # tarball method, plus two others. 
 Fatal cfengine error: Can't expand varstring 
 [2012-07-31 12:15:21] ERROR - The generated promises at /var/rudder/share/ are invalid 

 I do think this is because CFengine is unable to handle such big variables unless compiled with a larger CF_EXPANDSIZE. But in that case, it is better to use a file template, I think.
