


User story #5256

Updated by BenoƮt PECCATTE almost 9 years ago


 In the distributed setup, it appears that each relay receives the techniques and allows connections only from the subset of nodes that sent their initial inventory to this relay. 

 I set up a very basic round-robin dns, with 2 relays behind front.rudder.fqdn, and cf-agent runs fail about half of the time. Now when I have 5000 nodes, I'll need more relays, and the chance of a successful cf-agent run will decrease even more. 
 (same with different use cases such as a geo dns, as discussed on IRC) 

 So in a nutshell, the distributed setup is not usable for load balancing purposes... 

 As a local workaround, any way I can force the list of allowed nodes and techniques to be sent to all relays? 


 This can be called relay groups or relay clusters.
