


User story #7402

Updated by François ARMAND over 8 years ago

We need to be able to directly copy files into a techniques, like for templates, but *without* using stringtemplate parser on them.  

 The exact spec will be: 

 <FILE name="file.txt"><OUTPATH>foo/bar/other-name.txt</OUTPATH></FILE> 
 <FILE name="RUDDER_CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY/some/absolute/file.txt"><OUTPATH>foo/bar/some-name.txt</OUTPATH></FILE> 

 - name is mandatory. It's the path to file to copy, either relative to the technique directory (i.e, at the same level as metadata.xml) or absolute from the configuration repository directory if it starts with RUDDER_CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY (and yes, if fobids the use case where you want to have a sub-directory named RUDDER_CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY under the technique directory - I'm sure one will find other way to do it if really needed :). directory. The file will be taken from *git*, at the same git revision as other tehniques files.  

 - OUTPATH is optionnal. If not specified, the file will be copied into the target node promises at the same place than other files for the technique, with the same name. If specified, you have to give a path+name, where path is relative to the directory for agent promises on the node (i.e, if you want to put the file in the technique directory, you need to use "techniqueName/new-file-name.txt") 
