


User story #3850

Updated by BenoƮt PECCATTE over 7 years ago

For now I upgrade all the rudder-agent manually. However, there's no easy way to see which are already done and which aren't. And even if I could search for a list of nodes that have rudder-agent x.y.z, instead of looking in the software list of each node, the inventory is only uploaded once a day (if not forced). 


 * It would be nice if there's an option under rudder/secure/utilities to upgrade rudder-agent on the nodes.  
 * -it would be nice if there's an option under rudder/secure/utilities to force the nodes to send an inventory.- 
 * -It *- It would be nice if there's an option under rudder/secure/nodeManager/searchNode to search nodes based on a certain version of certain software-
