


User story #2295

Updated by François ARMAND over 12 years ago

This is a BIG evolution in Rudder. The following renaming are going to be done, hopefully making the whole domain model clearer and easier to get. 

 New terme are in *_strong italic_*. 

 h2. Policy Template => Technique 

 The policy template term is discarded in favor of *_Technique_*.  
 A *_technique_* is a technical thing, created and updated by configuration management and application/services experts. 

 It is used as a template to create your configuration management rules. It generally cover a given software or infrastructure service, like "Apache Server", or "Unix Passwords".  

 Metadata file for a technique is renamed from -policy.xml- into *metadata.xml* 
 *_Techniques_* are distributed in a library (the *_Technique Library_*) by these experts or reference institution (for example, "our local Rudder gurus").  

 In Rudder, in can choose to only use a subset of the *_technique Library_*. That subset is called *_Active techniques_*. 

 h2. Policy Instance => Directive 

 A *_Directive_* is a business policy, generally comming down from the hierarchy, like "all our password must have at least 10 characters, with symbols, numbers and letters".  

 In Rudder, a *_directive_* is defined from a *_technique_* used as template, in which the functional parameter are filled.  
 For our password *_directive_*, we could use the "Unix password" *_technique_* example of the previous chapter.  

 h2. Nodes => Nodes 

 Well, that one is simple :) We keep the well-established term *_Node_* to design "something on which we want to use configuration management", be it a server (most of the time), a desktop computer, a smartphone, a router, or anything else.  

 A set of nodes, somehow semantically grouped ("the servers used for the MySQL cluster", "all Debian Linux server in that plage of IPs", etc) is simply named a *_group_* (of nodes).  

 h2. Configuration Rules => Rules 

 Finally, we want to applied set of directives to groups of nodes. That give us a *_Rule_* applied to our infrastructure.  
 Rudder work is to check that rules are correctly applied and take actions if they are not.  

 h2. Other renaming in code 

 h3. CFCPolicyInstance => Cfe3PolicyDraft 

 The object that bind a directive to a given node and other contextual variables, used to generate CFEngine3 promise file, will be called a Cfe3PolicyDraft. 

 h3. Policy Server => RootServer and RelayServer 

 The generic term "policy server", designing the server on which Rudder is installed and/or to which nodes come getting there configurations will be split in two terms: 

 * RootServer for the main Rudder Server 
 * RelayServer for servers used to link two network zones.
