

Martin HART

  • Login: martin.hart
  • GitHub: m4rtinh4rt
  • Registered on: 2025-02-27
  • Last sign in: 2025-03-07


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 0 1
Reported issues 2 0 2


Project Roles Registered on
Rudder Developer 2025-02-27
Rudder plugins Developer 2025-02-27
API authorizations Developer 2025-02-27
Authentication backends Developer 2025-02-27
Branding Developer 2025-02-27
Centreon Developer 2025-02-27
Change validation Developer 2025-02-27
CIS Developer 2025-02-27
Consul Developer 2025-02-27
Datasources Developer 2025-02-27
GLPI Developer 2025-02-27
Node external reports Developer 2025-02-27
Notifications Developer 2025-02-27
OpenSCAP Developer 2025-02-27
Scale-out relay Developer 2025-02-27
User management Developer 2025-02-27
Vault Developer 2025-02-27
Zabbix Developer 2025-02-27
Rudder tools Developer 2025-02-27
Rudder websites Developer 2025-02-27



14:56 Rudder Architecture #26505 (Pending release): Adding tests to the CI for the template module
Martin HART
14:44 Rudder Bug #26367 (Resolved): Template module tests fail
Martin HART
14:43 Rudder Bug #26367: Template module tests fail
The local CFEngine needs the following patch: Martin HART


12:12 Rudder Bug #26496 (New): Node not referenced in Rudder security check
Rudder version: Rudder 8.2.5
rudder-plugin-security-benchmarks version: 1.1.0
When creating a new security benchm...
Martin HART

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