Bug #17351
closedwhen we are not qutoing the default value in node property expansion, the error is not helpful
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To do
if i want to expand a value from node property and have a fallback default like in the follogin
, if I don't quote the value, I get non helpful error message
⇨ Accumulated: Unexpected: Error with parameters expansion for node '' (root); cause was: Accumulated: When processing directive 'test variale parameter'; cause was: Accumulated: On variable 'GENERIC_FILE_CONTENT_PAYLOAD':; cause was: Accumulated: Unexpected: Error when parsing value "${[AWS-AWS-Dynamic][instance-identity][document][accountid]|default='value'}", error message is: end of input expected ; Unexpected: Can not configure 'root' children node because 'root' is a policy server whose configuration is in error
it should clearly state that the default value should be quoted
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.0.6 to 6.1.0~beta3
It's different in 6.1 (but perhaps not much better). We will change that in 6.1 because it can't be made much better with the other parser.
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
Done along with #17350.
The message is a bit better, even if it's still a parsing error:
Error when parsing value (without ''): 'some text and ${[datacenter]|default= "missing end quote} and some more text'. Error message is: Expected (string | emptyString | variable):1:54, found "\"missing e
I don't think we can do much better.
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Pending release
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Discussion
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Discussion to Resolved