Bug #18472
closedModifying current policies does not create pending status anymore
Web - Compliance & node report
Target version:
Pull Request:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Getting started - demo | first install | Technique editor and level 1 Techniques
Effort required:
Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do
When modifying an already applied policy, the webapp was showing blue parts in the expected comliance to notify the user that the changes requested are not yet applied.
This does not seem to be the case anymore in the latest 6.1.
I had a windows node and the server, when modifying an already existing directive, the node compliance page did not change at all. It only updates when the report of the new configuration is
received by the server side. This is a regression.
Here are my logs of the webapp when it happened:
<pre> Use configuration file defined by JVM property -Dlogback.configurationFile : /opt/rudder/etc/logback.xml [2020-11-03 14:11:53+0100] INFO application - Rudder starts with PID 13882 on 1 cores [2020-11-03 14:11:54+0100] INFO application - Use configuration file defined by JVM property -Drudder.configFile : /opt/rudder/etc/ [2020-11-03 14:11:54+0100] INFO application - Global exception handler configured to stop Rudder on: java.lang.Error [2020-11-03 14:11:54+0100] INFO application - Property '' is missing or empty in rudder.configFile. Default to 24 hours. [2020-11-03 14:11:54+0100] INFO application - Starting Rudder 6.1.7-SNAPSHOT web application [build timestamp: 2020-10-27T16:33:24Z] [2020-11-03 14:12:02+0100] INFO report - Disable automatic database archive sinces property rudder.batch.reportsCleaner.archive.TTL is 0 or negative [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - Starting [Store Agent Run Times] scheduler with a period of 5 s [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - List of registered properties: [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: awt.toolkit="sun.awt.X11.XToolkit" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: file.encoding.pkg="" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: file.separator="/" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: history.inventories.rootdir="/var/rudder/inventories/historical" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"/var/rudder/inventories" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: inventories.watcher.enable="true" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: inventories.watcher.period.garbage.old="5 minutes" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: inventories.watcher.waitForSignatureDuration="10" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: inventory.parse.parallelization="0.5x" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.awt.graphicsenv="sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.awt.headless="true" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.awt.printerjob="sun.print.PSPrinterJob" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.class.path="/opt/rudder/jetty/start.jar" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.class.version="54.0" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.home="/usr/lib64/jvm/java-10-openjdk-10" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"/var/rudder/tmp/jetty" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.library.path="/usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"OpenJDK Runtime Environment" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.runtime.version="10.0.1+10-suse-1.30-x8664" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"Java Platform API Specification" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.specification.vendor="Oracle Corporation" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.specification.version="10" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.vendor.url.bug="" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.version="10.0.1" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.vm.compressedOopsMode="32-bit" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"mixed mode" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"Java Virtual Machine Specification" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.vm.specification.vendor="Oracle Corporation" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.vm.specification.version="10" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.vm.vendor="Oracle Corporation" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: java.vm.version="10.0.1+10-suse-1.30-x8664" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: jdk.debug="release" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: jetty.base="/opt/rudder/etc/rudder-jetty-base" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: jetty.git.hash="a304fd9f351f337e7c0e2a7c28878dd536149c6c" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: jetty.home="/opt/rudder/jetty" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: jetty.tag.version="master" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: jetty.version="9.4.27.v20200227" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: ldap.authdn="cn=manager,cn=rudder-configuration" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: ldap.authpw=********** [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"localhost" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: ldap.maxPoolSize="2" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: ldap.port="389" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: ldif.tracelog.rootdir="/var/rudder/inventories/debug" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: line.separator="\n" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: logback.configurationFile="/opt/rudder/etc/logback.xml" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: os.arch="amd64" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"Linux" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: os.version="4.12.14-23-default" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: path.separator=":" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.auth.provider="file" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.authFile="/opt/rudder/etc/rudder-users.xml" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.autoArchiveItems="true" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.check.node.cache.interval="15 s" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"sunday" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.databasecleaner.runtime.hour="0" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.databasecleaner.runtime.minute="0" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.dyngroup.updateInterval="5" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.purge.inventories.delete.TTL="7" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.purge.inventories.delete.interval="24" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.reports.logInterval="1" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.reportsCleaner.deleteLogReport.TTL="2x" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.reportscleaner.archive.TTL="0" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.reportscleaner.compliancelevels.delete.TTL="8" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.reportscleaner.delete.TTL="4" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.reportscleaner.frequency="daily" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.storeAgentRunTimes.maxBatchSize="5" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.storeAgentRunTimes.maxDays="0" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.storeAgentRunTimes.maxMinutes="30" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.storeAgentRunTimes.updateInterval="5" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.batch.techniqueLibrary.updateInterval="5" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"5309" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.configFile="/opt/rudder/etc/" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.debug.nodeconfiguration.path="/var/log/rudder/nodeConfigurations" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.dir.backup="/var/rudder/share/backup/" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.dir.dependencies="/var/rudder/tools" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.dir.gitRoot="/var/rudder/configuration-repository" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.dir.lock="/var/rudder/lock/" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.dir.shared.files.folder="/var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.hooks.ignore-suffixes=".swp, ~, .bak, .cfnew , .cfsaved , .cfedited, .cfdisabled, .cfmoved,.dpkg-old, .dpkg-dist, .dpkg-new, .dpkg-tmp,.disable , .disabled , _disable , _disabled,.ucf-old , .ucf-dist , .ucf-new ,.rpmnew , .rpmsave , .rpmorig" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.jdbc.batch.max.size="500" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.jdbc.driver="org.postgresql.Driver" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.jdbc.maxPoolSize="25" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.jdbc.password=********** [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.jdbc.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/rudder" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.jdbc.username="rudder" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.jvm.fatal.exceptions="" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.lang.test-loop.exec="true" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.relayd.reload="/opt/rudder/bin/rudder relay reload -p" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"true" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server-roles.cfengine-mission-portal="autodetect" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server-roles.db="autodetect" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server-roles.inventory-endpoint="autodetect" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server-roles.ldap="autodetect" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server-roles.relay-promises-only="autodetect" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server-roles.relay-top="autodetect" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server-roles.web="autodetect" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.server.relay.api="https://localhost/rudder/relay-api" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.syslog.port="514" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.webdav.password=********** [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: rudder.webdav.user="rudder" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: run.mode="production" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"64" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: sun.boot.library.path="/usr/lib64/jvm/java-10-openjdk-10/lib" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: sun.cpu.endian="little" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: sun.cpu.isalist="" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"UnicodeLittle" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"/opt/rudder/jetty/start.jar OPTIONS=Server jetty.state=/opt/rudder/etc/rudder-jetty-base/rudder-jetty.state jetty-started.xml" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"SUN_STANDARD" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: sun.jnu.encoding="ANSI_X3.4-1968" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: sun.os.patch.level="unknown" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"US" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: user.dir="/opt/rudder/etc/rudder-jetty-base" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: user.home="/root" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: user.language="en" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property:"root" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: user.timezone="Europe/Paris" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - registered property: waiting.inventory.queue.size="50" [2020-11-03 14:12:03+0100] INFO application - Plugin's license directory: '/opt/rudder/etc/plugins/licenses/' [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check LDAP and PostgreSQL connection [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - LDAP and PostgreSQL connection are OK [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check mandatory DIT entries [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - All the required DIT entries are present in the LDAP directory [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check initialization of User Technique Library [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check that `rudder` global parameter matches default value [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check event log migration format 5 -> 6 [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check existence of at least one archive of the configuration [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - First full archive of configuration-repository items done [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check rules archive directory in configuration-repository [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Creating directory '/var/rudder/configuration-repository/ruleCategories' exists, done [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check for force reload of Techniques library [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' does not exist, do not Technique library will not be reloaded [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check that system group / directive / rules for Rudder 4.2 are agent-specific [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Regenerate all ncf techniques [2020-11-03 14:12:04+0100] INFO bootchecks - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_ncf_technique_update' does not exist, do not regenerate ncf Techniques [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO migration - No migration detected by migration script (table 'migrationeventlog' is empty or does not exist) [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO bootchecks - Trigger policy update automatically at start [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO bootchecks - Create system api token [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO bootchecks - System api token file created in /var/rudder/run/api-token [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO bootchecks - Update existing API token to 'RW' autorization level. [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check NashHorn JS engine for warning [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO bootchecks - Load node compliance cache [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] INFO policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation parallelism set to: 1 (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_max_parallelism') [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation JS evaluation of directive parameter timeout: 30 seconds s (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_jsTimeout') [2020-11-03 14:12:05+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation continues on NodeConfigurations evaluation: false (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_continue_on_error') [2020-11-03 14:12:06+0100] INFO application - Configured authentication provider(s): [rootAdmin, file] [2020-11-03 14:12:06+0100] INFO application - No master admin account is defined. You can define one with 'rudder.auth.admin.login' and 'rudder.auth.admin.password' properties in the configuration file [2020-11-03 14:12:06+0100] INFO policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1015 MB nodes:2 (cached:2) rules:6 (enabled:6) techniques:46 (enabled:46) directives:7 (enabled:7) groups:3 (dynamic:3) parameters:2 [2020-11-03 14:12:06+0100] INFO application - Add backend providers 'Default authentication backends provider: 'file','rootAdmin' [2020-11-03 14:12:06+0100] INFO application - Using configuration file defined by JVM property -Drudder.authFile : /opt/rudder/etc/rudder-users.xml [2020-11-03 14:12:08+0100] INFO bootstrap.liftweb.Boot - classpath [2020-11-03 14:12:08+0100] INFO org.reflections.Reflections - Reflections took 100 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 3 keys and 4 values [2020-11-03 14:12:08+0100] ERROR application.plugin - Error when parsing plugin information from index file '/var/rudder/packages/index.json': Error when decoding plugin information for entry 'rudder-plugin-dsc'; cause was: SystemError: An error occured; cause was: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "1604401537" is malformed at "7" -> com.normation.plugins.ReadPluginPackageInfo.$anonfun$decodeOne$3(RudderPluginJson.scala:108) [2020-11-03 14:12:08+0100] INFO application.plugin - Initializing plugin 'rudder-plugin-dsc': 6.2-1.21.0-SNAPSHOT [2020-11-03 14:12:09+0100] DEBUG policy.generation.update - Configuration of 2 nodes were already OK, not updating them [2020-11-03 14:12:09+0100] INFO policy.generation - No node configuration was updated, no policies to write INFO Configure inventory processing with parallelism of '1' and queue size of '50' [2020-11-03 14:12:10+0100] INFO scheduled.job.metrics - Starting node count historization batch (min:15 m; max:4 h) [2020-11-03 14:12:10+0100] INFO inventory-processing - Incoming inventory watcher started - process existing inventories [2020-11-03 14:12:10+0100] INFO application - Application Rudder started [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Timing summary: [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen scripts hooks : 243 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen modules hooks : 2 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Fetch all information : 715 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Historize names : 267 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Build current rule values : 77 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Build target configuration : 1133 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Write node configurations : 2320 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Save expected reports : 1 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run post generation hooks : 201 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Number of nodes updated : 0 [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Policy generation succeeded in: 6 s [2020-11-03 14:12:11+0100] INFO policy.generation.manager - Successful policy update '51' [started 2020-11-03 14:12:05 - ended 2020-11-03 14:12:11] [2020-11-03 14:12:25+0100] INFO compliance - [metrics] global compliance (number of components): 8 [p:0 s:2 r:1 e:0 u:0 m:0 nr:0 na:3 rd:0 c:0 ana:1 nc:1 ae:0 bpm:0] [2020-11-03 14:12:42+0100] INFO policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2020-11-03 14:12:42+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation parallelism set to: 1 (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_max_parallelism') [2020-11-03 14:12:42+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation JS evaluation of directive parameter timeout: 30 seconds s (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_jsTimeout') [2020-11-03 14:12:42+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation continues on NodeConfigurations evaluation: false (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_continue_on_error') [2020-11-03 14:12:42+0100] INFO policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1015 MB nodes:2 (cached:2) rules:6 (enabled:6) techniques:46 (enabled:46) directives:7 (enabled:7) groups:3 (dynamic:3) parameters:2 [2020-11-03 14:12:42+0100] INFO policy.generation - Configuration of 2 nodes were updated, their policies are going to be written [2020-11-03 14:12:42+0100] DEBUG policy.generation.update - -> updating nodes: [root, 4046e4ab-41c2-48e8-8c7f-e09c323fc069] [2020-11-03 14:12:44+0100] INFO policy.generation.manager - One automatic policy update process is already pending, ignoring new policy update request [2020-11-03 14:12:47+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Using atomic move for node policies [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Timing summary: [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen scripts hooks : 15 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen modules hooks : 0 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Fetch all information : 136 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Historize names : 60 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Build current rule values : 10 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Build target configuration : 139 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Write node configurations : 5227 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Save expected reports : 6 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run post generation hooks : 169 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Number of nodes updated : 2 [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Policy generation succeeded in: 6 s [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation.manager - Successful policy update '52' [started 2020-11-03 14:12:42 - ended 2020-11-03 14:12:48] [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation parallelism set to: 1 (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_max_parallelism') [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation JS evaluation of directive parameter timeout: 30 seconds s (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_jsTimeout') [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] DEBUG policy.generation - Policy generation continues on NodeConfigurations evaluation: false (change with REST API settings parameter 'rudder_generation_continue_on_error') [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1015 MB nodes:2 (cached:2) rules:6 (enabled:6) techniques:46 (enabled:46) directives:7 (enabled:7) groups:3 (dynamic:3) parameters:2 [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] DEBUG policy.generation.update - Configuration of 2 nodes were already OK, not updating them [2020-11-03 14:12:48+0100] INFO policy.generation - No node configuration was updated, no policies to write [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Timing summary: [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen scripts hooks : 8 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen modules hooks : 0 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Fetch all information : 64 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Historize names : 56 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Build current rule values : 1 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Build target configuration : 52 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Write node configurations : 28 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Save expected reports : 0 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Run post generation hooks : 263 ms [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Number of nodes updated : 0 [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.timing - Policy generation succeeded in: [2020-11-03 14:12:49+0100] INFO policy.generation.manager - Successful policy update '53' [started 2020-11-03 14:12:48 - ended 2020-11-03 14:12:49] [2020-11-03 14:17:03+0100] INFO techniques.reader - Reloading technique library, no modified techniques found [2020-11-03 14:17:03+0100] INFO - Automatic batch update at 2020-11-03T14:17:02.736+01:00 </pre>
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.7 to 6.1.8
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.8 to 6.1.9
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.9 to 6.1.10
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.10 to 6.1.11
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.11 to 6.1.12
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.12 to 6.1.13
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.13 to 6.1.14
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.14 to 6.1.15
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.15 to 6.1.16
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.16 to 6.1.17
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.17 to 6.1.18
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.18 to 6.1.19
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.19 to 6.1.20
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.20 to 6.1.21
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.1.21 to old 6.1 issues to relocate
Updated by François ARMAND about 1 year ago
- Assignee set to Clark ANDRIANASOLO
- Regression set to No
Updated by François ARMAND about 1 year ago
- Related to Bug #15140: If a component is added to a directive, compliance is not marked in blue as waiting for reports added
Updated by François ARMAND about 1 year ago
- Related to deleted (Bug #15140: If a component is added to a directive, compliance is not marked in blue as waiting for reports)
Updated by François ARMAND about 1 year ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #15140: If a component is added to a directive, compliance is not marked in blue as waiting for reports added