Enhancement #24076
openCache for method package_present leads to confusion
It is not rare, that when using the method package_present, the agent report said that the package is installed, but in reality when we check with the package manager, the package is not installed or when expected the method to update package, no update is done. This is a normal behavior since we use a cache, that can modify in global properties with the parameters installed_cache_expire
and updates_cache_expire
, by default installed cache expire after 60 minutes and updates after 2 hours
This can be really confusing since user not often consult the documentation of the method because the parameters are clear enough to not read the documentation, and there is a lack of context in default global properties page
However, we do have a documentation about it: https://docs.rudder.io/reference/8.0/administration/agent.html#_package_manager_data_caching