



Bug #2473


PT Hosts management seems to be deleting entries even when not asked to

Added by Nicolas CHARLES over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

1 (highest)
Jonathan CLARKE
Target version:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


Francois Bayart just raised an error on IRC :
He uses the PT Host with the parameters here : (so no enforce hosts content)
He previously had a hosts files which contained lines : localhost
ipadressmachine longhostname shorthostname

After the application of the PI, he has :
So no more official IP for this server ...

Files (3.53 KB) rudder v.2.3.7~rc2~git201205021042 Francois BAYART, 2012-05-03 11:49 (3.34 KB) Francois BAYART, 2012-05-03 14:18
policy.xml (2.42 KB) policy.xml Francois BAYART, 2012-05-03 14:18
ScreenShot018.png (22.1 KB) ScreenShot018.png Francois BAYART, 2012-05-03 14:19
Actions #1

Updated by Nicolas PERRON over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In progress
Actions #2

Updated by Nicolas PERRON over 12 years ago

The logic of this PT is to erase before replace.
If the line already exists, this will no change anything in the file, else that will considered as repaired. To fix this bug, we will have to change this logic of edition.

Actions #3

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 12 years ago

The original IP adress of the host is

Actions #4

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 12 years ago

Might this actually be #2456 appearing in a different form?

Actions #5

Updated by Matthieu CERDA over 12 years ago

Well looking at the second image, this is clearly and enforced content pattern.

Either the PT was enforced some time ago, or there is something wrong in it that makes the enforce part trigger without valid reason.

Actions #6

Updated by Francois BAYART over 12 years ago

I have make a new test (new node) and I get the same problem !

As requested by John you could find the file in attachment.

Updated by Francois BAYART over 12 years ago

Francois BAYART wrote:

I have make a new test (new node) and I get the same problem !

As requested by John you could find the file in attachment.

Ask requested by Nicolas P. I join the files inside
/var/rudder/configuration-repository/policy-templates/systemSettings/networking/hostsConfiguration/1.0 directory

Actions #8

Updated by Francois BAYART over 12 years ago

Francois BAYART wrote:

Francois BAYART wrote:

I have make a new test (new node) and I get the same problem !

As requested by John you could find the file in attachment.

Ask requested by Nicolas P. I join the files inside
/var/rudder/configuration-repository/policy-templates/systemSettings/networking/hostsConfiguration/1.0 directory

And now the ApacheDS screenshot for this PI

Actions #9

Updated by Nicolas PERRON over 12 years ago

As i can see on your screenshot, your LDAP entry is buggy:

There are two attributes which should not be here and seems to have been introduced by #2374:
  • HOST_ENFORCE[ 1 ]:false
  • HOST_ENFORCE[ 2 ]:false

Removing them should fix the problem. Could your confirm, please ?

Thanks for your bug report ! Your effort is strongly appreciated

Actions #10

Updated by Nicolas PERRON over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #11

Updated by Francois BAYART over 12 years ago

Problem is fixed !

Actions #12

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending technical review to Released

I'm closing this bug, since the problem is solved, and was du to earlier buggy version of the PT/Technique


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