Bug #25563
openWe can't disable a node with a bad certificate anymore
Pull Request:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do
We added a check to not be able to save a node with a bad certificate, but the side effect is that if we already had a node with a bad certificate, we can't disable it anymore:
The error is:
Error when saving the new node state <- CryptoEx: Key '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFqDCCA5CgAwIBAgIUIb+ay gIrV31P4GyU-XXXX -----END CERTIFICATE-----' cannot be parsed as a valid certificate; root exception was: unable to decode base64 string: invalid characters encountered in base64 data
We should not run the savePreChecks
when disabling a node.
Updated by François ARMAND 3 months ago
- Related to Bug #24815: Node with inventories with bad certificate still get into Rudder added
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 1 month ago
- Target version changed from 8.1.8 to 8.1.9
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ 24 days ago
- Target version changed from 8.1.9 to 8.1.10
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ 20 days ago
- Target version changed from 8.1.10 to 8.1.11