



User story #4331


Add always visible save button for Rules

Added by Dennis Cabooter about 11 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

1 (highest)
Web - Config management
Target version:
UX impact:
Suggestion strength:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


The save button in the rules and directives sections is at the bottom only. If I just want to changes names or things like that, I have to scroll all the way down to save my change. Please add an additional button on top.

Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

User story #5946: Add always visible save buttons on Rule pageReleasedFrançois ARMAND2014-12-08Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Dennis Cabooter about 11 years ago

Vince_Mcbuche learnt me that directives now have a scrollable area with the save button always visible on the bottom. This would be very nice for rules too.

Actions #2

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from Please add save button at the top to Add always visible save button for Rules
  • Category set to Web - Config management
  • Assignee set to Vincent MEMBRÉ
  • Target version set to 3.0.0~beta2

Indeed, this has been done on the Directives screen in Rudder 3.0. However, it is not yet present in the Rules screen. I've updated this ticket's title accordingly.

Actions #3

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 10 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to User story
Actions #4

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to 13

This has been implemented and is in 3.0 nightlies, and will be in the final 3.0.0 release.

Actions #5

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from 13 to Pending release
Actions #6

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending release to Released

This bug has been fixed in Rudder 3.0.0~beta2, which were these days.


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