User story #440
closedHighlight the Techniques from the reference library that are currently used
Web - Config management
Target version:
Pull Request:
UX impact:
Suggestion strength:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:
The Techniques in the user library have a logo in the reference library
Interface- Find the right image (1h)
- Add an image / a text on the Techniques who are in the user lib (1h)
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE about 14 years ago
- Subject changed from Screen policy template - G12 - identifier les PolicyTemplates dans la user lib to E06-10: Mettre en valeur les PT de la reference lib utilisées dans la user lib
- Status changed from New to 2
- Estimated time set to 2.00 h
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE about 14 years ago
- Status changed from 8 to 2
- Priority changed from 5 (lowest) to 4
- Target version set to 5
Also see #742 (highlight the selected Technique that is displayed in 2 trees at the same time)
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 12 years ago
- Target version changed from 24 to Ideas (not version specific)
Updated by Matthieu CERDA almost 10 years ago
- Subject changed from E06-10: Mettre en valeur les PT de la reference lib utilisées dans la user lib to Highlight the Techniques from the reference library that are currently used
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This page is never used should just be removed, or replaced with a simple "enable/disable" checklist