User story #5299
closedDatas in Rudder web interface table can now be refreshed (second edition)
1 (highest)
Web - UI & UX
Target version:
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We want all table in Rudder web interface to have json data. We started to do that in #4793 and did it in major tables.
We want to extend it to other tables:
- Technical logs
- Event logs
- Change request table
Here the description of #4793:
Datas in Table are static, to update them you have to reload the page, which can be very not user friendly We should have a way to fetch latest update of the data, and update the table without reloading the page. I don't know yet what form should take the 'refresh' feature, for now I'll add a Button Like #4770, That should be done table by table. There is multiple grade of evolution here (not ordered...): * Do it with ajax * angularize it * make it asynchronous * update by itself (comet ?) * cache date so it faster to get informations Here we are doing it by adding a single button making an ajax call, fetchning new data ang refreshing the table
Updated by Matthieu CERDA about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 140 to 3.0.0~beta1
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 3.0.0~beta1 to 3.0.0~beta2
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to 13
- Target version changed from 3.0.0~beta2 to 2.11.0~beta1
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 10 years ago
- Status changed from 13 to Pending release
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released