User story #5352
closedInto a metadata.xml, possiblity to make reference into an SELECT tag from an INPUT/SELECT one.
It would be great if it was to possible to make a reference from an SELECT tag from an INPUT/SELECT tag. It would permit to write relations between INPUT or SECTIONS.
As an example:
Instead of
<SECTION name="screen" multivalued="yes"> <INPUT name="INPUT_1" description="My first input" /> <SELECT1 name="INPUT_2"> <ITEM> <LABEL>Option1</LABEL> <VALUE>value1</VALUE> </ITEM> <ITEM> <LABEL>Option2</LABEL> <VALUE>value2</VALUE> </ITEM> <CONSTRAINT> <DEFAULT>value1</DEFAULT> </CONSTRAINT> </SELECT1> </SECTION>
to write this:
<SECTION name="screen" multivalued="yes"> <INPUT name="INPUT_1" description="My first input" /> <SELECT1 name="INPUT_2"> <ITEM> <LABEL>Option1</LABEL> <VALUE>value1</VALUE> </ITEM> <ITEM> <LABEL>Option2</LABEL> <VALUE>INPUT_1.value</VALUE> </ITEM> <CONSTRAINT> <DEFAULT>value1</DEFAULT> </CONSTRAINT> </SELECT1> </SECTION>
Then the value of Option2 would be dynamic.
Is it clear ? What's your opinion about it François ?
Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago
This is something we want to do since a lot of time. There is likelly to be already open ticket for that, but I can't find them right now.
Is there a specific use case ?
Updated by Matthieu C over 10 years ago
It would be even better like this:
<SECTION name="screen" multivalued="yes"> <INPUT name="INPUT_1" description="My first input" /> <SELECT1 name="INPUT_2" description="My second input" getvaluesfrom="INPUT_1" /> </SECTION>
There is a specific case, configuring multiple monitors with Xorg:
INPUT: Video output name
SELECT1: Above/Below/RightOf/LeftOf (relative position of output)
SELECT1: -- list of output --
In Rudder webui, when creating a directive, first INPUT_2 is empty, then it has 1 value (the value of the first instance of INPUT_1).
When adding a new value, by clicking on "Add another", the webui would look like:
screen #1 --------------- Video output name: | HDMI1 | Relative position: | |v| <--- the combobox list "Above/Below/RightOf/LeftOf" (static) Reference : | |v| <--- the combobox should list "HDMI1/HDMI2" (dynamic) screen #2 --------------- Video outmut name: | HDMI2 | Relative position: | |v| <--- the combobox list "Above/Below/RightOf/LeftOf" (static) Reference : | |v| <--- the combobox should list "HDMI1/HDMI2" (dynamic) | Add another | | Delete |
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 10 years ago
- Category changed from 14 to Web - Config management
Updated by François ARMAND over 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Regression set to No
We won't do that ever, we will use rudder lang and rudderc to achieve that kind of things.