



User story #5968


Have a default group at setup

Added by Benoît PECCATTE about 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

UX impact:
Suggestion strength:
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Name check:
Fix check:


The user installing a rudder agent could be able to decide an initial group.

The user could be give a group name at setup, this group could then be automatically setup from environment variable.
This can be used to have a setup group that contains heavy rules that make a first setup of the machine.
This group would then be decided by the person doing installation and not the one configuring Rudder.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of Rudder - User story #4670: Allows inventories to be augmented by the user with custom propertiesReleasedFrançois ARMANDActions
Actions #1

Updated by Benoît PECCATTE about 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from Have a default group a setup to Have a default group at setup
Actions #2

Updated by François ARMAND about 10 years ago

I'm wondering if the underlying need is not:

Because in Rudder, you never actually choose a group, you define characteristic and aspect of your node, and based on that, the groups are chosen.

So, perhaps we need to ask the user to choose "something" at installation (let call that thing a "trait" or "aspect" of the node), and then, some magic and convention happens so that the node is added to the correct corresponding groups.

Actions #3

Updated by Benoît PECCATTE about 10 years ago

Yes, that may fulfill the use case.

Actions #4

Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 10 years ago

  • Is duplicate of User story #4670: Allows inventories to be augmented by the user with custom properties added
Actions #5

Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

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