Bug #7684
closedError in promise update.cf
in rudder-techniques/initial-promises/node-server/common/1.0/update.cf action immediate is not defined
Have error:
error: Apparent bundle 'immediate' was undeclared, but used in a promise near line 138 of /var/cfengine/inputs/common/1.0/update.cf (possible unquoted literal value) error: Apparent bundle 'immediate' was undeclared, but used in a promise near line 184 of /var/cfengine/inputs/common/1.0/update.cf (possible unquoted literal value) error: /var/cfengine/inputs/common/1.0/update.cf:0:0: In attribute 'depth_search', Unknown function. Given attribute value 'recurse_ignore(inf,@{g.excludedreps})' error: Fatal CFEngine error: Cannot continue
Updated by David Durieux about 9 years ago
There is no unit test to verify promises are ok ?
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 9 years ago
Hi David,
I tried to reproduce your issue, without any success, using
rudder-agent.x86_64 1398866025:3.2.0.beta2.git201512221209-1.EL.6
on a centos7
Can you tell me more ?
Could it be because you are using the path /var/cfengine/inputs ? did you compile the agent to tell it to use this path as the workdir ?
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 9 years ago
Ah, you are running /usr/local/sbin/cf-promises --verbose /var/rudder/cfengine-community/inputs/common/1.0/update.cf why cannot work, as you'll be missing all imports (in promises.cf or failsafe.cf, which are the main to entry points)
Updated by David Durieux about 9 years ago
Unable to reproduce the error :/
CLose it and if I have again the error, I will add comment in this issue
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Ok, I'm rejecting the ticket then
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE about 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 3.2.0~rc2 to 3.2.0