Bug #982
closedUsing # as a separator in the PIid/CRid policyinstance field is not a great idea
When agregating values, the # is seen as a comment, and I can't workaround it in the readstringarray without falling back to file[5a7c52d9-e0d2-47d4-8f55-3a12b5295817#@c7971d87-fc77-4386-8167-fa61451ce62a,/var/rudder/cfengine-community/policy_server.dat,ro]0)
Should really use something else
(and update scala + rsyslog.conf)
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 14 years ago
- Assignee set to Nicolas CHARLES
- Priority changed from 3 to 1 (highest)
C'est des gros changements, et un peu tard pour la beta 2, mais ca doit au moins etre dans la beta3
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE almost 14 years ago
Nicolas CHARLES a écrit:
When agregating values, the # is seen as a comment, and I can't workaround it in the readstringarray without falling back to file[5a7c52d9-e0d2-47d4-8f55-3a12b5295817#@c7971d87-fc77-4386-8167-fa61451ce62a,/var/rudder/cfengine-community/policy_server.dat,ro]0)
Je ne comprends pas à quel niveau est l'impact ?
Ca nous empêche d'ajouter certaines lignes dans PostgreSQL ? Si oui, lesquelles ?
Ca nous empêche de créer certaines PT ? Si oui, lesquelles ?
Autre chose ?
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 14 years ago
Sur filepermission, ca fait une entrée invalide qui empeche l'insertion en base
j'ai essayé de tuner la promesse pour qu'elle ne considere pas # comme un commentaire, sans succes.
Du coup, tout ce qui est lecture des variables depuis un autre fichier marche pas
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE almost 14 years ago
- Priority changed from 1 (highest) to 4
- Target version changed from 7 to 9
Cela n'affecte que la PT files permissions qui doit etre refaite de toute facon pôur etre compatible community
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 14 years ago
- Target version changed from 9 to 10
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Pending technical review
- Assignee set to Nicolas CHARLES
Done, in 2.3 alpha 2
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Released
- Target version changed from 10 to 2.3.0
Updated by Nicolas PERRON about 12 years ago
- Project changed from Rudder to 34
- Category deleted (
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 10 years ago
- Project changed from 34 to Rudder
- Category set to Packaging