


Bug #17674

Updated by François ARMAND about 4 years ago

If you chose "string" for a global parameter and the value is json, it is not correctly escaped.  

 It does not seems blocking (just grave) since you can still print the json string, or add double quote to get a formatted json - but in that case, you also get the quote printed. 

 So, tu sum up, this is whant you get, and what we would like to have (in file enforce content): 

 |_. global parameter name |_. global parameter value |_. in ldap |_. type in param |_. type in node |_. in file enforce content directive |_. printed in file |_. wanted |_. comment | 
 | p1 | {  
 } {"foo":"bar"} | {"foo":"bar"} | global parameter value | ${[p1] | string | json | ${[p1] | {"foo":"bar"} | same as if the type was string but formating is lost, override will work like for json | 
 | p2 | {"foo":"bar"} | {"foo":"bar"} | ${[p2] | json | json | ${[p2] | {"foo":"bar"} | as expected | 
 | p3 | "{ 
 }" "{"foo":"bar"}" | "\{\"foo\":\"bar\"\}" |${[p3] | string | string | ${[p3] | "{ 
 }" "{"foo":"bar"}" | as expected. Formatting kept, but " remains | 
