


Bug #17863

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 4 years ago

It search only i still cannot understand on what field it searches, but it returns most of the data field, time nothing 
 In 6.0 it worked apparently correctly, and not on the human translated eventtype 
 So searching it is broken    more in 6.1 

 Searching for "policy" in 6.0 returns events failed policy update, but not successfull and manual policy update, as they are stored as  
  133963 | 2020-07-09 08:50:13.139+00 |        100 |           | e879274d-4131-4d79-8aae-902c9fc4dbac | rudder      |          | AutomaticStartDeployement | <entry>< update 
 addPending alreadyPending="true"/></entry> 
 </pre> In 6.1, i don't get the failed policy update
