Bug #22138
Updated by François ARMAND almost 2 years ago
The middle graph (by OS) sometime always leads to AIX, not the correct OS type. The problem is that if type - likely for the OS name given does not matches the backend name, the query default back to the first in list (AIX): Centos like that is ok: <pre> .../secure/nodeManager/searchNodes#{%22query%22:{%22select%22:%22nodeAndPolicyServer%22,%22composition%22:%22And%22,%22where%22:[{%22objectType%22:%22node%22,%22attribute%22:%22osName%22,%22comparator%22:%22eq%22,%22value%22:%22Centos%22}]}} </pre> "CentOS" like that (what is given by cliking in the graph) leads to AIX. same reason as parent