


Bug #22375

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 2 years ago

Nodes with litterally *no* reports are seen in *missing* *error* in the compliance rather than *no reports* *missing* because their configId is not known 

 I have already seen this issue (but I can't find the ticket) and to reproduce it, it may a node *offline* AND policy generation that changes the node config id for its policy (it may or may not be important to have outdated nodeconfigid as well) 
 The system is in change only reporting, it may or may not be relevant 

 Step to reproduce: 
 * have a node offline 
 * that as a last run non empty (doing @insert into reportsexecution values ( '13d97019-f5ab-4f1f-8846-fdf36c0a7d45', '2023-01-10 00:00:00+01', '20230111-112830-e13bcefb', 314643008, '2023-01-14 23:00:47.293154', '2023-02-11 23:10:47.293154' );@ is enough to create a last run date 
 * restart rudder-jetty 
 * see that the node is in "missing" (red) rather than "no reports" (grey)
