


User story #22738

Updated by François ARMAND 12 months ago

We want that the OIDC provides an additionnal list of custom role 

 We add 3 new options in the OIDC provider:  

 - `rudder.auth.oauth2.provider.${provider}.roles.enabled=true` (`false` by default or if missing): do we want that that provider also provide roles for the user 
 - `rudder.auth.oauth2.provider.${provider}.roles.attribute=customroles` : what is the attribute in the token that will contain the list (string array) of role name to add ? 
 - `rudder.auth.oauth2.provider.okta.roles.override=true` (`false` by default or if missing): do we want that the list of provided roles override roles configured in `rudder-user.xml`
