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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
26647 Change validation Bug Pending release N/A Change validation links are all broken Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8.3 Actions
26631 Change validation Bug In progress N/A Navigation in administration menu is broken Nicolas CHARLES Raphael GAUTHIER 8.3 Actions
26609 Rudder plugins Bug Bug #26605 Pending release N/A CurrentUser.queryContext is null when used in a ZIO for (private plugin) François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Refactoring 8.3 Actions
26608 Rudder plugins Bug Bug #26605 Pending release N/A CurrentUser.queryContext is null when used in a ZIO for (public plugins) François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Refactoring 8.3 Actions
26598 CIS Bug New N/A the technique should show the benchmark version Nicolas CHARLES 8.2 Actions
26594 API authorizations Bug Pending release N/A Impact of #26538 on api-authorization François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8.3 Actions
26583 Change validation Bug Pending release N/A Navbar menu is broken Raphael GAUTHIER Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8.3 Actions
26542 OpenSCAP Bug New N/A error at upgrade to 8.3 Nicolas CHARLES 8.3 Actions
26534 Rudder plugins Bug Pending release N/A Patch and security benchmark menu order François ARMAND Vincent MEMBRÉ UI - UX 8.3 Actions
26511 Branding Bug Pending release N/A Branding plugin display is broken Raphael GAUTHIER Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8.3 Actions
26474 Rudder plugins Bug Bug #26360 Pending release N/A Rename the field requires_license to requires-license Félix DALLIDET Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging 8.3 Actions
26389 Change validation Bug New N/A On rule page save button is replaced by "create change request" even if no change request is produced Elaad FURREEDAN 8.2 Actions
26366 CIS Bug Pending technical review N/A Create the Ubuntu 22 benchmark Nicolas CHARLES Félix DALLIDET 8.1 Actions
26360 Rudder plugins Bug Pending release N/A Add a new requires_license field in the metadata in rudder-plugins-private Félix DALLIDET Packaging 8.3 Actions
26356 Rudder plugins Architecture Architecture #26327 Pending release N/A Impact of plugins datastructures splitting in plugins-private Clark ANDRIANASOLO François ARMAND Refactoring 8.3 Actions
26341 API authorizations Bug Pending release N/A Impact of ApiAccount API changes on plugin François ARMAND François ARMAND 8.3 Actions
26332 CIS Bug Pending release N/A Fix reporting on leel by using "focus-worst" Nicolas CHARLES Félix DALLIDET 8.2 Actions
26246 CIS Bug Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 - Section 2.1 : Fixes Lucas FRANCOIS Nicolas CHARLES 8.1 Actions
26241 CIS Bug In progress N/A CIS : escapement backslash induces errors in commands Lucas FRANCOIS Lucas FRANCOIS 8.1 Actions
26239 CIS Bug Pending release N/A CIS Debian 12 - Point : lack of service restart Lucas FRANCOIS Nicolas CHARLES 8.1 Actions
26199 Rudder plugins Bug Bug #26195 Pending release N/A Janino dependency was not provided to plugins causing plugin load issue Clark ANDRIANASOLO Vincent MEMBRÉ Plugins management 8.3 Actions
26195 Rudder plugins Bug Pending release N/A Maven shade plugin update and ignore signatures Clark ANDRIANASOLO Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging 8.3 Actions
26181 Datasources Bug Bug #26172 New 4 Datasource form validation errors do not prevent saving it Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8.1 Actions
26172 Datasources Bug Pending release 1 (highest) in datasources, ids are not normalized, thus creating problems at deletion Robinson MAIGNE Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8.1 Actions
26127 CIS Bug Pending release N/A CIS Debian 12 - Section 5.1 : Fix Lucas FRANCOIS Nicolas CHARLES 8.1 Actions
(1-25/274) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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