


User story #9654

Updated by BenoƮt PECCATTE over 7 years ago

to be used when you find a typo: 
 - checkout any repo in any branch 
 - fix a typo in a file 
 - rudder-dev typo <file> [<TRI>] 
   * check that the diff is small 
   * find the first branch having the typo 
   * open an issue of type bug with a typo subject 
   * rudder-dev branch 
   * patch 
   * git commit 
   * rudder dev commit 

 Alternate usage 
 - rudder-dev typo <PR> [TRI] 
 * open a issue of type bug with a typo subject 
 * link the issue to the PR back and forth 
 * assign the issue (to self by default) 
