8.1 open Maintained: Yes 0% 28 issues (0 closed — 28 open) Related issues Bug #24195: cis-ubuntu20 integration test fails because kcl can not be installed Actions Bug #24198: Add Amazon Linux 2023 as OS Actions Bug #24210: Add Debian 11 as OS Actions Bug #24228: Backport the rudderc integration test to 8.0 and add a condition test Actions Bug #24231: Fixing broken imports Actions Bug #24244: typo in technique integration tests Actions Bug #24245: Typo in parent ticket Actions Bug #24300: Add Rocky Linux 8 as OS Actions Bug #24327: Fix the rudderc integration test Actions Bug #24621: Force the kcl binary in the path Actions Bug #24777: Add support for Rocky 9 Actions Bug #25177: Rudder-robot 8.1 tests are in fact 8.0 Actions Bug #25180: Adapt the integration test playbooks to the 8.1+ rudder cli Actions Bug #25204: Plugin name format has changed in rudder package Actions Bug #25679: Force the install of gnupg2 on Amazon Linux 2023 Actions Bug #25837: Backport the Jenkinsfile-Integration to 8.1 Actions Bug #25994: Add Ubuntu for CIS testing Actions Bug #25997: update the configuration for cis Actions Bug #26300: Users directive template must follow the latest technique version Actions Bug #26363: Update the deploy-directive test to match the new compliance format of the User technique Actions Bug #26364: Fix parent ticket compliance Actions Bug #26378: Parent ticket is missing a comma Actions User story #25181: Temporarily close some tests Actions User story #25183: Make the integration tests run only one time a week Actions User story #25199: Adapt the rudder package syntax in tests to the 8.1+ one Actions Architecture #24402: Adding a Rudder relay Actions Architecture #24776: Add support for Alma linux 9 Actions Enhancement #24193: Plugins install tests Actions
8.2 open Maintained: Yes 0% 22 issues (0 closed — 22 open) Related issues Bug #25290: remove unsupported plugins from the integration tests Actions Bug #25292: Use short names for plugins in the integration tests Actions Bug #25294: Integration should check if the plugins are installed instead of enabled as non-webapp plugin do not present an "enabled" state Actions Bug #25412: Add a basic security-benchmark test Actions Bug #25560: Re-enabled AL2023 tests with Rudder-robot Actions Bug #25746: Aix plugin does not exist anymore in 8.2 Actions Bug #25777: Missing zip binary on rudder-robot dockerfile Actions Bug #25801: Rudder-robot can not import archives containing directives as the import process is not reloading properly the Rudder techniques after importing them Actions Bug #25802: Typo in parent ticket Actions Bug #25814: Jenkinsfile uses the wrong Dockerfile to lint Actions Bug #25876: Fix some rudder-robot syntaxes Actions Bug #25881: rudder-robot integration Jenkinsfile can no longer be triggered manually Actions Bug #25882: Make the integration tests pass in 8.2+ Actions Bug #25883: Fix the var assignments in rudder-robot Actions Bug #25991: Actualise the rudder-robot documentation Actions Bug #26092: Fix linting issue on rudder-robot Actions Bug #26099: missing urllib3 dependency on rudder-robot Actions Bug #26100: Do not trigger half integration pipeline to avoid showing false positive test runs Actions Bug #26101: Still some python depdency error in rudder-robot Actions User story #25182: Setup tests for the 8.2 version Actions User story #25714: Add initial work to test the technique editor Actions User story #25810: Add automatic linting to the robotframework files Actions
master open 92% 1329 issues (1166 closed — 163 open) Related issues Bug #4455: The postgresql-recovery script should be added to Rudder tools Actions Bug #4795: The rudder-nodes.py should be in API and contains errors Actions Bug #5128: Vagrant box url is not correct on master Actions Bug #5257: On Rudder distribued mode, "rudder-relay" can't accepted nodes since /var/rudder/inventories/accepted-nodes-updates is not in apache group Actions Bug #5421: /etc/default/rudder-jetty overwritten on upgrade Actions Bug #6083: Merge all function cannot be called in rudder-dev tool Actions Bug #6086: Fix various bugs on rudder-dev Actions Bug #6088: rudder-dev pull/branch function does not work correctly on older git version (1.8.3) Actions Bug #6096: Add a "smart" parameter to rudder-dev Actions Bug #6097: Add support to private redmine in rudder-dev Actions Bug #6098: Should ping on github when rebasing with rudder-dev Actions Bug #6100: rudder-dev merge function cannot push Actions Bug #6151: Rudder-dev branch doesn't work with ncf Actions Bug #6152: Add a command to find a specific branch Actions Bug #6153: A ticket must be in progress when working on it Actions Bug #6159: Add a work in progress command Actions Bug #6284: Add a --force option to rudder-dev Actions Bug #6285: Add a cleanup command to rudder-dev Actions Bug #6299: Improve SLES compatibility and box cleaning Actions Bug #6300: Improve Ruby compatibility detection and gitignore Actions Bug #6329: A fetch is necessary before rebasing Actions Bug #6330: Access redmin in https to avoid caching problems Actions Bug #6335: Rudder-dev ignore the first argument if it is unknown Actions Bug #6336: rudder-dev doesn't recognise a PR url ending with /files Actions Bug #6344: SLES repository definition in tests makes Zypper go crazy Actions Bug #6345: If a bug has been reassigned before amend or rebase, rudder-dev doesn't update the reviewer Actions Bug #6346: rudder-dev should guess rudder versions from redmine and not from a static array Actions Bug #6367: Handle relay server in rudder-tests Actions Bug #6394: The test suite is missing an Ubuntu platform Actions Bug #6406: merge all function may not checkout branch correctly Actions Bug #6409: Test boxes should have basic tools installed Actions Bug #6430: Bad command to update Rudder server on Debian Actions Bug #6449: rudder-nodes-list does not output the version of the rudder-agent Actions Bug #6455: Command used in vagrant is not correct Actions Bug #6456: rudder-dev cleanup is hard to understand Actions Bug #6457: missing zsh files in rudder-tests, error in box setup Actions Bug #6458: On centos6, the gitconfig is not correct Actions Bug #6462: Problems using server_ubuntu vagrant machine. Actions Bug #6466: Add a test in basic scenario on relay configuration Actions Bug #6478: KeyError: 'value' after a ticket has been modified Actions Bug #6494: rudder-dev doesn't work with last redmine workflow Actions Bug #6495: KeyError: 'old_value' Actions Bug #6537: Unicode bug on api client Actions Bug #6568: Java installation on the rudder-tests sles platform is broken Actions Bug #6570: If a branch already exist, rudder dev branch should switch to it Actions Bug #6593: Fix rudder-tests installation doc Actions Bug #6613: The provided .gitconfig is not compatible with the git version of wheezy Actions Bug #6650: rudder-dev clone fails Actions Bug #6671: git config provided is not valid on old version of git Actions Bug #6674: Enable SELinux when supported Actions Bug #6690: rtf broke after share and export merging Actions Bug #6701: rudder-dev doesn't work with alternate redmine Actions Bug #6741: rudder-dev commit fails to assign tickets for non-admin users Actions Bug #6786: Add an Ubuntu 10.04 box to rudder-tests Actions Bug #6787: Update the lenny box Actions Bug #6818: Make rudder-tests fails on failing tests Actions Bug #6834: Missing lsb_release in some debian boxes Actions Bug #6835: No service command on debian lenny Actions Bug #6837: rudder-tests should use relay package when available Actions Bug #6841: Add fqdn to /etc/hosts Actions Bug #6925: Use the fqnd in policy_server.dat Actions Bug #6991: Version comparison doesn't work in rudder-setup Actions Bug #7009: Version comparison doesn't work in rudder-setup Actions Bug #7023: Add support for ncf versions in rudder-dev Actions Bug #7036: 0.x does not match a valid vetrsion in rudder-dev Actions Bug #7047: Rudder-test fails to install the package under Solaris Actions Bug #7070: osname should be called inventory os Actions Bug #7087: Vagrant demo broken with 3.1 Actions Bug #7106: SuSE platform does not work with packages from the ci Actions Bug #7135: stress_suite inventories are missing the FQDN field Actions Bug #7137: Fixes for the Rudder Ansible plugin Actions Bug #7179: rudder-dev refuses to base a new ticket on an existing one Actions Bug #7180: Use option 'no-edit' instead of editor var Actions Bug #7196: There is a race condition in rudder-dev merge Actions Bug #7210: Remove dependency on hub in rudder-dev Actions Bug #7233: rudder-dev amend fails to update pr comment Actions Bug #7262: Create a crentificate that is valid for localhost Actions Bug #7263: rudder-dev find error Actions Bug #7283: Globally fix tests ! Actions Bug #7284: rudder-cli should ignore insecure request warnings! Actions Bug #7296: Make rudder-dev easier to use for external developper Actions Bug #7304: Continue fixing tests ! Actions Bug #7305: rudder-dev can't guess my github username Actions Bug #7306: Fix rudder-dev bugs when using alt redmine Actions Bug #7307: The cache containing redmine users fails when on alt redmine Actions Bug #7311: Rudder-dev fails on alt_redmine Actions Bug #7314: Rudder-dev fails with python3 Actions Bug #7318: rudder-dev user cache parsing is broken Actions Bug #7319: rudder-dev does not detect pr on alt redmine Actions Bug #7324: rudder-dev tries to fork when own repository is not the first one! Actions Bug #7326: user are not fetched correctly if they were missing from cache Actions Bug #7333: Fetching a specific branch doesn't work Actions Bug #7350: rudder-dev retarget forbid editing the ticket Actions Bug #7355: On first run after creation, merge does not know about new branches Actions Bug #7392: Missing python dependencies in rudder-tests docs Actions Bug #7435: Fail to update issue Actions Bug #7494: Rudder-dev retarget doesn't print PR url properly Actions Bug #7507: rudder-dev does not work well behind a firewall and necessary proxy Actions Bug #7509: rudder-dev doesn't create local branches anymore: 'origin/v2.11' does not exist Actions Bug #7569: The chef/centos-7.0 box does not exist anymore Actions Bug #7600: rudder-dev doen't handle all tracker PR the same way Actions Bug #7627: rudder-dev update uses http instead of https to update itself, which is a potential security hazard Actions Bug #7651: rudder-tests does not correctly sets SLES 12 repos Actions Bug #7672: rudder-dev clone doesn't use git with my token Actions Bug #7756: Allow to use nightlies from CI in rudder-tests Actions Bug #7769: service rudder-agent start doesn't work on debian 8 Actions Bug #7771: rtf run commands in the guest with the PATH of the host Actions Bug #7829: Host and port order is not preserved for ip allocation in rtf Actions Bug #7830: rtf destroy doesn't remove the platform from the Vagrantfile Actions Bug #7834: Adapt multiserver setup scripts to the documentation Actions Bug #7837: Rudder-dev is misleading when it prints an API url Actions Bug #7840: rudder-dev doesn't work if there is less than 2 commit on the repo Actions Bug #7841: Various fixes about SLES setup and relay Actions Bug #7842: Permission denied on setup scripts Actions Bug #7870: Wrong rsync command breaks centos boxes (no ssh possible) Actions Bug #7899: Platform id continue to grow if highest id is not destroyed Actions Bug #7958: rudder-dashboard displays issues instead of PR url Actions Bug #8037: git colors can break branch parsing Actions Bug #8040: rudder-dev ignores master when merging Actions Bug #8048: rudder prints too much and cannot use master branch Actions Bug #8055: rudder-dev cannot use master branch on Rudder project Actions Bug #8056: Wrong pf_id when the Vagrant file is empty Actions Bug #8081: rtf rule not up to date Actions Bug #8083: multiserver scripts should use 3.1 not 2.1 nightlies Actions Bug #8111: Rudder tests fail on relay because of wrong expected allewed networks Actions Bug #8112: The Debian squeeze box should use archive repos Actions Bug #8114: If no PR is set, dashboard should fallback to ticket URL when show tecnical review Actions Bug #8174: Bashism in 8112 Actions Bug #8179: Missing Windows 2012R2 box from rudder-test Actions Bug #8235: Error when user in Redmine has no mail in rudder-dev Actions Bug #8252: stack trace in rudder-dev when there is an error before the configuration file is read Actions Bug #8256: rudder-dev rebase error Text file busy Actions Bug #8258: rudder-dev should not unstash something it has not stashed itself Actions Bug #8267: rudder-dev merge doesn't work on python 3 Actions Bug #8292: rudder-dev doesn't correctly update list of assignable users Actions Bug #8293: rudder-dev doesn't handle PR creation errors Actions Bug #8302: Error when using rudder-dev merge all Actions Bug #8310: rudder-dev won't create a subtask on a ticket in "Pending release" state Actions Bug #8319: Add data for lts status in release-info API Actions Bug #8356: AttributeError: PR instance has no attribute 'info' Actions Bug #8357: rudder-dev bugs in "merge" command Actions Bug #8358: rudder-dev merge branch doesn't work Actions Bug #8378: rudder-dev cleanup fails if a remote branch doesn't exist Actions Bug #8411: rudder-dev should not escape " in PR title Actions Bug #8429: rudder-dev merge --test can fail Actions Bug #8474: Debian squeeze box should modify it's repo brefore making apt-get update Actions Bug #8476: dashboard doesn't work on python 3 Actions Bug #8483: rudder-dev cannot merge external PR Actions Bug #8509: force is not really global in rudder-dev Actions Bug #8510: rudder-dev github.py uses an invalid regex Actions Bug #8514: rudder-dev bug on repo vs repo() Actions Bug #8518: quality assistant should put its code in quote Actions Bug #8519: rudder-dev KeyError: 'master' Actions Bug #8538: force is not really global in rudder-dev Actions Bug #8539: rudder-dev KeyError: 'master' Actions Bug #8545: rudder-der merge comment on pr in test mode Actions Bug #8547: avoid ssl warnings from quality-assistant Actions Bug #8550: rudder-dev wip should add a comment on the bugtracker Actions Bug #8590: Errors when launching rudder-dev (wrong variable name and unlabel error) Actions Bug #8603: Rudder-dev rebase because it looks in wrong data for issue id Actions Bug #8642: rudder-dev can overwrite a branch if there is no matching local branch Actions Bug #8668: rudder-dev can overwrite a branch if there is no matching local branch Actions Bug #8678: Rudder api client doesn't handle compliance API Actions Bug #8682: Broken rudder-dev after 8668 Actions Bug #8698: Workaround for 8688 in the api-client Actions Bug #8701: Add rudder development environment to rtf Actions Bug #8743: The 32bit CentOS 6 box does not exist anymore Actions Bug #8746: rudder-dev should check we are in the right repo fefore fetching an external branch Actions Bug #8820: rtf should also support the new rudder-promises-generated Actions Bug #8842: Remove old message from multi server setup script Actions Bug #8866: rudder-dev is broken Actions Bug #8877: rudder-vagrant server_centos is broken Actions Bug #8949: rudder-dev subtask doesn't when when we specify next version Actions Bug #8959: Rudder-test cleanup Actions Bug #8971: typo in no-qa-test argument Actions Bug #8986: Quality assistant fails to get tests output Actions Bug #8990: Quality assistant fails to get tests output Actions Bug #9031: rudder-dev fails to parse strategy Actions Bug #9032: quality assistant doesn't display test error properly Actions Bug #9037: quality assistant should clean the repo before running tests Actions Bug #9046: quality assistant should clean the repo before running tests Actions Bug #9050: rudder-dev fails to parse strategy Actions Bug #9051: rudder-dev merge --test shouldn't require a validated PR Actions Bug #9081: Compatibility test is broken for SLES Service Packs Actions Bug #9116: Rudder-dev complains when there is a $ in the commit name Actions Bug #9137: rudder-setup doesn't document its version parameter Actions Bug #9238: rudder-setup fails on ubuntu Actions Bug #9239: Access release-info over https in rudder-setup Actions Bug #9240: Repository addition in rudder-setup fails when lsb_release is unavailable on Debian like OSes Actions Bug #9257: Add a timeout to rudder dashboard Actions Bug #9268: rudder-init has a new call format in 4.0 Actions Bug #9306: error in rudder-dev retarget Actions Bug #9344: Correct tsung script and inventory to create load test Actions Bug #9365: rudder-dev subtask doesn't work with alternative redmine Actions Bug #9371: Add a timeout to rudder dashboard Actions Bug #9434: Create a script to generate reports Actions Bug #9457: use standard vagrant snapshot commands Actions Bug #9495: Vagrant should not cache rudder packages Actions Bug #9527: rudder-setup should fail nicely if the user is not root Actions Bug #9565: Remove 4.0 from 3.1/3.2 compatible agents Actions Bug #9649: There is no nodes anymore in rudder-vagrant Actions Bug #9675: Missing download link in the 4.0 changelog Actions Bug #9677: rudder-dev retarget to an older version tries to backport all commits Actions Bug #9680: rudder-dev blame fails if there is a null commit id Actions Bug #9713: rudder-dev merge -s upto_ fails Actions Bug #9756: rudder-dashboard fails on alternate redmine Actions Bug #9766: quality-assistant fails when it needs to reassign an issue Actions Bug #9767: quality-assistant fails when it needs to reassign an issue Actions Bug #9769: rudder-dev fails Actions Bug #9774: Quality assistant fails to reassign an issue Actions Bug #9775: Quality assistant fails to reassign an issue Actions Bug #9808: rudder-setup should use https urls for gpg key download Actions Bug #9833: rudder agent thin is not available on all distro Actions Bug #9837: replace arch-dependant with arch-dependent Actions Bug #9846: rudder-setup fails on rhel server Actions Bug #10013: ncf script doesn't call properly list-compatible-inputs Actions Bug #10014: If ncf script is updated, it is not modified on the box Actions Bug #10016: Dependency to vagrant-scp plugin is not documented in rtf readme Actions Bug #10098: Broken rtf since 9568 Actions Bug #10103: We should not use configure_box in rtf at the moment Actions Bug #10149: rudder-dev blame fails with 5 digits issue number Actions Bug #10286: rudder-dev subtask doesn't work with next-version parameter Actions Bug #10294: Improve feature list for 4.1 version Actions Bug #10310: quality-assistant should use flock insteal of a 'file as a lock' Actions Bug #10324: quality-assistant should use flock insteal of a 'file as a lock' Actions Bug #10356: Add a "test" option to ncf-setup Actions Bug #10396: rudder-dev subtask error Actions Bug #10433: Download before importing the gpg key in rudder-setup Actions Bug #10435: Same as parent on centos 5 Actions Bug #10437: Cleanup code may break install process Actions Bug #10438: zypper tries to display progress in rudder-setup Actions Bug #10439: Download before importing the gpg key in rudder-setup Actions Bug #10441: update-alternative isn't created soon enough in cleanbox Actions Bug #10442: rtf shouldn't fail is the agent returns an error Actions Bug #10445: Newlines should go after grep in parnt ticket Actions Bug #10476: We need to install dbus on jessie Actions Bug #10540: Revert 4.1.0 changes Actions Bug #10544: Fixes in the changelog after 4.1 final release Actions Bug #10550: Documentation for load database script are missing Actions Bug #10560: Update changelog to state that Rudder 4.1 needs Java 1.8 Actions Bug #10596: Missing apt-get update in ncf-setup Actions Bug #10620: Only run "make install" if existing in ncf-setup Actions Bug #10621: Only put ncf in inputs if installed Actions Bug #10626: Vagrant up server crashes Actions Bug #10650: Document where to get rudder-dev in the GitHub repo Actions Bug #10651: rudder-dev fails to retrieve users in rudder-tools project Actions Bug #10703: cleanbox resets home directory permissions Actions Bug #10845: Rudder-setup should support prototype installation Actions Bug #10848: ncf prototype version is not supported in rudder-dev Actions Bug #10850: master-prototype matches master Actions Bug #10890: Rudder vagrant should only use one base box Actions Bug #10991: Fix 4.1.5 changelog Actions Bug #11029: Fix changelog for 4.2.0~beta1 Actions Bug #11053: Add installation instruction in changelog 4.2.0~beta1 Actions Bug #11054: Missing last steps in 4.2.0~beta1 installation Actions Bug #11193: Script to load database doesn't work on 4.2 Actions Bug #11203: rudder-setup fails on redhat without wget Actions Bug #11222: Match RedHatEnterprise as a RHEL system in rudder-setup Actions Bug #11255: Missing boxes in rtf Actions Bug #11260: 4.1.6 changelog is not at the right place Actions Bug #11263: Double entry in 4.1.6 changelog Actions Bug #11372: Techniques tests are all failing Actions Bug #11603: ncf-setup fails on ubuntu Actions Bug #11632: Wrong links to install docs in changelog Actions Bug #11675: Change title in changelog to have a marker for new changelog Actions Bug #11691: Remove reference to ncf lifecycle from rudder-dev Actions Bug #11694: Remove ncf info from release data Actions Bug #11793: CFEngine changed download links for binary packages Actions Bug #11821: quality assistant cannot merge approved PR Actions Bug #11822: quality assistant cannot merge approved PR Actions Bug #11823: quality assistant cannot merge approved PR Actions Bug #11827: quality assistant cannot merge approved PR Actions Bug #11828: Add support to audit mode in reports generations script Actions Bug #11829: Addapt load-script for rudder 4.2 Actions Bug #11843: quality assistant cannot merge approved PR Actions Bug #11845: rudder-dev technique doesn't correctly update mainteained-technique file Actions Bug #11848: rudder-dev blame displays incomplete issue numbers Actions Bug #11900: Remove old demo scripts Actions Bug #11901: Incompatible python syntax in load script Actions Bug #11931: Do not send inventory in ncf tests Actions Bug #11971: NAT interface disconnected when using rtf Actions Bug #11976: rudder-nodes-list does not work with a Rudder 4.1 Actions Bug #11978: Update release data after 4.3 branching Actions Bug #11979: duplicae entry for Rudder 4.2.3 in changelog Actions Bug #12094: Add loglevel to rudder-dev Actions Bug #12103: Typo in rudder-dashboard Actions Bug #12118: rudder-dev syntax error Actions Bug #12122: rudder-dev should not deprecate a technique immediately Actions Bug #12146: Add sles repos for SLES12SP2 on rudder-test Actions Bug #12249: rtf fails to install Rudder Actions Bug #12288: Can not perform API requests with python CLI Actions Bug #12296: Add rudder-api-client to gitignore in rudder-tests Actions Bug #12340: delete_all scenario should not delete systems directives Actions Bug #12381: quality assistant always retries on failed tests Actions Bug #12497: Remove duplicate changelogs for 4.1.11 and 4.2.5 Actions Bug #12502: Update 4.3 features in changelog Actions Bug #12503: Add missing changelog entries Actions Bug #12531: Rudder vagrant uses init script on a systemd node Actions Bug #12582: load-database doesn't work on rudder 4.3 Actions Bug #12658: Add support for Ubuntu 18.04 agent in relase data Actions Bug #12692: quality assistant may merge disapproved PR Actions Bug #12728: Cannot setup environment with Rudder dev Actions Bug #12729: Missing entries in configuration properties for rudder-test Actions Bug #12778: missing ubuntu 18.04 codename in release data Actions Bug #12787: Quality assistant fails on reassinging PR Actions Bug #12813: rudder-cli : KeyError: 'compliances' and error on directive list Actions Bug #12817: rtf cannot use rudder-cli as the computed URL is invalid Actions Bug #12846: Increase latency before reading computed compliance on the Technique Scenario Actions Bug #12855: Missing support of Ubuntu 18.04 agent in release notes Actions Bug #12867: Improve documentation within rtf Actions Bug #12880: rtf does not work anymore with latest version Actions Bug #12902: Script to create fake reports does not work correctly for windows nodes Actions Bug #12946: Add support for DSC nodes in rudder-nodes-list Actions Bug #12999: ruder-dev remove can't merge flag before amending Actions Bug #13100: quality assistant fails to remove som branches Actions Bug #13113: Add more debug info to rudder-dev Actions Bug #13153: quality assistant fails to cleanup repository if it is already cleaned up Actions Bug #13157: release-data says rudder-relay is arch independant Actions Bug #13215: 4.3 is missing a release date Actions Bug #13222: ncf-setup fails in some cases Actions Bug #13230: fix owner and group of inputs shared file in dev environment Actions Bug #13244: add more debug information to quality assistant Actions Bug #13247: ncf-setup fails to retrieve ncf on centOs Actions Bug #13259: Replace last by latest in rudder-setup output Actions Bug #13293: Missing Ubuntu 18.04 arch in release-data Actions Bug #13296: Add kant merge option Actions Bug #13318: Add missing fields for SLES 15 and Slackware Actions Bug #13345: typo in rtf Actions Bug #13359: rtf ncf_tests scenario fails on old ubuntu since they do not understand the rudder-project certificate Actions Bug #13384: error when rudder-dev reassign issue when cannot merge Actions Bug #13390: Add squash merge option to rudder-dev Actions Bug #13391: Add squash merge option to rudder-dev Actions Bug #13394: Kant have out of range quote Actions Bug #13397: Squash merge fails to push Actions Bug #13399: rudder-dev merge on not master fails Actions Bug #13400: rudder-dev merge on not master fails Actions Bug #13401: rudder-dev merge on not master fails Actions Bug #13412: rudder-dev merge on not master fails Actions Bug #13434: Quality assistant cannot merge private repositories Actions Bug #13441: quality assistant may fail to detect fixups Actions Bug #13467: quality assistant may fail to detect fixups Actions Bug #13495: ncf-setup fails when make is not installed Actions Bug #13500: ncf_tests scenario is using the wrong cfengine version parameter Actions Bug #13515: Add ntp as needed package when running the ncf tests Actions Bug #13516: not use repo_prefix on publisher Actions Bug #13551: Add support to private repository to rudder-setup Actions Bug #13555: wrong ocndition in rtf Actions Bug #13560: ubuntu16 platform is not named correctly Actions Bug #13572: ncf-setup fails on SLES Actions Bug #13584: ncf-setup can not retrieve SLES15 OS_NAME Actions Bug #13595: ncf-setup use "//" in some urls Actions Bug #13645: The new zypper pattern tests depends on the command "createrepo" Actions Bug #13655: Script rudder-support-info is too chatty when looking for time Actions Bug #13660: Missing Ubuntu 13.04 and 15.10 from supported os Actions Bug #13742: Update links in cheatsheet Actions Bug #13743: Reapir the base scenario in rtf Actions Bug #13771: rudder-setup doesn't use the same apt list file as rudder technique Actions Bug #13781: Add tier info for 4.1 and 4.3 in release data Actions Bug #13801: Update redmine URL in rudder-tools Actions Bug #13908: ncf-setup failes when installing ncf from repo Actions Bug #13909: 13908 is only working for 4.3+ rudder installs Actions Bug #13947: rtf platform setup always ends up with an error Actions Bug #13981: Add fixup to rudder-dev Actions Bug #14152: Fix syntax of links in changelogs Actions Bug #14154: Add the execution of "create-token" script in the external provision in rtf Actions Bug #14155: Add prefix in port forwarding in rtf Actions Bug #14208: Cleanbox rudder-setup download should follow redirects Actions Bug #14259: rtf left newlines in Vagrantfile when destroying environment Actions Bug #14261: Rtf does not correctly set up /etc/hosts when no server are in the platform Actions Bug #14270: Missing issues in changelog Actions Bug #14277: Adapt Rudder for Docker Actions Bug #14279: Wrong regex in fusion test Actions Bug #14292: Wrong path for the create-token script in rtf Actions Bug #14324: Upgrading an ubuntu distro installed with rudder-setup lead to incorrect repository definition Actions Bug #14334: Make the use of rudder-apt.list/rudder.list globally consistant (doc, rudder-setup, apt repo technique) Actions Bug #14387: Version anchors in changelogs are broken Actions Bug #14452: Typo in the cheatsheet Actions Bug #14492: improve load tool to load via syslog also Actions Bug #14637: rudder-dev fails to assign a ticket on redmine 4.0 Actions Bug #14656: Keep only latest os and production systems as tiers1 build Actions Bug #14751: New data in release-data Actions Bug #14796: Serverspec is not usable on old OS, we should remove it from ncf-setup Actions Bug #14817: typo in ncf_tests scenario Actions Bug #14891: Rtf can not launch ncf tests on non-released major rudder version Actions Bug #14892: rtf should run ncf-setup on master branch instead of the given version if this one does not exists Actions Bug #14894: ncf-setup does not verify if acl packages are present on the system Actions Bug #14926: Remove fedora from 4.1 release-info Actions Bug #14936: vagrant can not set private network for debian 10 hosts Actions Bug #14938: Patching network.sh for debian10 broke it for older OS Actions Bug #14948: ncf-setup can not install testinfra on ubuntu14 because of six conflict Actions Bug #14967: in rtf, shell function is now returning a tuple and we forgot to change it wherever it is used Actions Bug #14978: rtf correctly setup the disk space but does not format it Actions Bug #14980: terraform configuration v1 Actions Bug #14981: rtf correctly setup the disk space but format it at each vagrant up Actions Bug #14986: Rtf provisionning is commented in the vagrant.rb file and so, can not be executed Actions Bug #15015: improve script to load database Actions Bug #15045: In rtf when a cli request fails we do not have access to its stdout Actions Bug #15050: rtf base scenario fails when no relay are defined Actions Bug #15052: Document issue with openssl versions during rudder upgrade Actions Bug #15065: in ncf-setup curl dependency is done too late Actions Bug #15097: ncf setup try to install createrepo on sles 15 instead of createrepo_c Actions Bug #15128: CloudFormation infrastructure done. Actions Bug #15138: Missing acl dependency for sles tests Actions Bug #15146: wong option in zypper call when ncf-test is used on suse machine prior to sles12 Actions Bug #15181: terraform configuration done Actions Bug #15182: terraform configuration done Actions Bug #15186: Fix terraform README Actions Bug #15190: Cloudformation v2 Actions Bug #15215: fix Openscap technique Actions Bug #15263: Remove status change when a merge is denied Actions Bug #15291: rudder-dev blame doesn display properly 5 digits issue id Actions Bug #15303: new lockfile system on rtf does not create the lock if it does not exist Actions Bug #15378: Configuration of dev environment in rudder-test expects a postgresql 9.4 Actions Bug #15389: Improve documentation for developper environment Actions Bug #15411: rudder-dev doesn't recognize rudder.io email adresses Actions Bug #15420: rudder-tests mount dev folders for all vm if one of them is a dev vm Actions Bug #15432: ansible technique v1 Actions Bug #15512: Add arm achitectures to supported versions Actions Bug #15519: Add arm achitectures to supported versions Actions Bug #15541: rtf ncf_tests scenario doesn't fail when it fails to retrieve the ncf-setup script Actions Bug #15549: external setup for old os on rtf does not handle well the master branch of ncf Actions Bug #15577: Rudder-api-client fails to clean Null parameters before making API calls Actions Bug #15584: publish inventory-hooks Actions Bug #15591: publish inventory Actions Bug #15601: Create load test system for Rudder 5.1 Actions Bug #15602: Create a script to generate all inventories data Actions Bug #15617: create a script to automatically send and accepts the nodes Actions Bug #15619: Rudder-api-client does not support some special API calls Actions Bug #15621: Rudder-api-doc use dict.key parameters which are then wronlgy parsed by python Actions Bug #15622: rtf locked after first machine is up, preventing creating other machines Actions Bug #15639: rtf lock still up, use flock unlock Actions Bug #15642: Make rudder-setup work on aix Actions Bug #15644: Remove support for pre 3.0 in rudder-setup Actions Bug #15645: Remove support for pre 3.0 in rudder-setup Actions Bug #15647: Remove support for pre 3.0 in rudder-setup Actions Bug #15656: rtf doesn't cleanup the files after external provisioning Actions Bug #15667: rtf can no longer execute command from rudder-cli Actions Bug #15688: Add a dev mode to rudder-setup to install a development server Actions Bug #15699: rudder-dev should warn the user if there is no redmine token Actions Bug #15706: ncf_tests scenario fails on old os since it always tries to import rpm and apt keys in a test Actions Bug #15722: rudder-setup should not use ssh version of github Actions Bug #15724: rudder-setup should not use ssh version of github Actions Bug #15735: rtf base scenario can not create rule Actions Bug #15744: rtf does not display anything informative when it fails while running technique scenarios Actions Bug #15745: Rudder-cli does not report anything when we are trying a PUT requests with an unauthorized token Actions Bug #15746: Make rtf use the system token Actions Bug #15755: ncf_tests fails to run 5.1 nightly Actions Bug #15781: Update api_data.json from the api doc in rudder-api-client Actions Bug #15843: add rudder-api-client in release-data Actions Bug #15857: missing localclean rule in rudder-api-client makefile Actions Bug #15867: set 'exe' to windows packaging value Actions Bug #15885: Fix deadlinks in changelog Actions Bug #15921: build.sh in rudder-api-client always exit with 0 Actions Bug #15935: Rudder-api-client build should use the available python version Actions Bug #15969: Typo in build.sh Actions Bug #15976: Update api_data.json from the api doc in rudder-api-client Actions Bug #15978: rudder-api-client fails to build on debian9 Actions Bug #16006: Improve openscap documentation/implementation Actions Bug #16021: Improve ansible technique documentation Actions Bug #16056: Re-enabled rudder-api-client in 5.0 Actions Bug #16086: Rudder-api-client debian rules file is doing too much Actions Bug #16142: Missing shebang in aws.py Actions Bug #16144: aws inventory extension fails with a stackoverflow in some cases Actions Bug #16218: Move rudder-security public-key into repository Actions Bug #16263: Rudder-cli fails to import rudder package when installed from the rudder-api-client package Actions Bug #16342: Remove rhel3 and sles10 from release-info 5.0 Actions Bug #16372: rudder-setup doesn't work on most smaller debian images Actions Bug #16376: 6.0 release in release-data Actions Bug #16395: Mark 4.1 as EOL Actions Bug #16400: Remove note about undocumented features in 6.0 change log Actions Bug #16405: Add another synchro script Actions Bug #16452: rtf doesn't work with debian 10 Actions Bug #16508: platform setup fails if /usr/local/bin does not exist Actions Bug #16510: Dev environnement 6.0 support Actions Bug #16536: Make the aws inventory script compatible with systems not having a python executable Actions Bug #16538: Do not fail when /sys/hypervisor/uuid does not exist in aws.py Actions Bug #16539: aws inventory script does not work properly when python3 is not available Actions Bug #16543: Inconsistent name of the properties generated by the aws script Actions Bug #16548: Skip AWS extension if /sys/hypervisor/uuid does not exist Actions Bug #16556: Missing ExecStart line in rudder-slapd systemd conf for dev environment Actions Bug #16574: rudder-dev cannot assign pr for non administrator user Actions Bug #16587: Rudder-cli does not generate correctly the API Actions Bug #16589: rudder-setup should sleep some seconds before running rudder server health -w Actions Bug #16594: 16587 breaks some rudder-cli command Actions Bug #16604: Missing python3 deps for ncf tests Actions Bug #16609: Update rudder-synchronize to handle 6.0 Actions Bug #16634: PR URL should be printed after everything else Actions Bug #16637: Update rudder-vagrant to 6.0 Actions Bug #16681: rudder-dev wip error Actions Bug #16685: rudder-dev fails to detect wrong amend Actions Bug #16686: rudder-dev amend is not working Actions Bug #16721: rudder-dev doesn't detect master branch in plugin versions Actions Bug #16726: Add a remove command to rudder-synchronize Actions Bug #16757: Update the rudder-setup upgrade to support 6.0 upgrade Actions Bug #16772: Add an upgrade scenario in rtf Actions Bug #16824: rudder-dev doesn't work with new version of redmine Actions Bug #16867: rudder-dev stack traces instead of error message Actions Bug #16885: Rudder-synchronize use raw_input which does not exist in python2 Actions Bug #16887: Syntax error in rudder-dev Actions Bug #16911: script to generate reports does not correctly handle globl audit and node audit mode Actions Bug #16922: rudder retarget fails since redmine api change Actions Bug #16994: rudder-dev rebase fails when a previousPR has been squash merged Actions Bug #16996: rudder-dev does not always put an issue into pending review status Actions Bug #17007: Base tests scenario is not functional anymore Actions Bug #17009: update cleanbox.sh Actions Bug #17016: Rudder-setup doesn't work on AIX Actions Bug #17023: rudder-dev subtask fails Actions Bug #17045: WIP Add packer sources for our vagrant boxes Actions Bug #17101: packer configuration doesn't work on debian10 Actions Bug #17102: Add more sles support for our packer build Actions Bug #17106: packer configuration doesn't work on debian10 Actions Bug #17116: Base scenario can not terminate anymore Actions Bug #17117: rudder-api-client is not built on 6.1 Actions Bug #17260: Missing information about Ubuntu 20.04 Actions Bug #17263: Warning in rtf Actions Bug #17270: Upgrade link in 6.1 changelog is wrong Actions Bug #17330: when there is an error in import_technique, the exception may fail as techniqueData is not initialized first Actions Bug #17376: Set Err.continue as default value in the scenarii Actions Bug #17377: Remove tests command execution in scenarii via vagrant, and use ssh instead Actions Bug #17444: ci and nightly plugins install doesn't work in rudder-setup Actions Bug #17445: Syntax error in rudder-setup Actions Bug #17451: rudder-setup uses wrong url for private downloads Actions Bug #17454: rudder-setup fails to install plugins Actions Bug #17467: rtf doesn't override platform info on setup anymore Actions Bug #17500: typo in Vagrantfile generation Actions Bug #17504: No need to call agent run after installing relay package Actions Bug #17506: rudder-setup should be able to create admin user if asked for Actions Bug #17508: rtf fails to find rudder api Actions Bug #17509: rudder-setup should be able to create admin user if asked for Actions Bug #17511: Force rudder-dev subtask to have a title Actions Bug #17514: Add augeas as ncf test dependency Actions Bug #17528: rudder-setup should be more quiet in plugin install Actions Bug #17539: Parent issue not fixed Actions Bug #17541: Parent issue not fixed Actions Bug #17569: Add a dump command to rtf Actions Bug #17579: platforms with relays don't work Actions Bug #17584: Deprecation warning in rudder api cli Actions Bug #17586: base scenario doesn't work anymore Actions Bug #17589: Security plugins were in alpha in 6.0 Actions Bug #17598: rtf platform setup can be endless Actions Bug #17603: rtf platform setup can be endless - syntax error Actions Bug #17609: rtf fails to setup empty servers Actions Bug #17615: cleanbox fails to install jq on old platforms Actions Bug #17618: Rudder api-client fails on sles12 due to missing urllib3 Actions Bug #17650: rudder platform setup should not stop when something fails Actions Bug #17668: rtf waiting loops have become too verbose Actions Bug #17670: Add packer for debian 10 - parent install fails Actions Bug #17671: typo in rtf node acceptation Actions Bug #17672: hide credentials from provisioning output Actions Bug #17709: do not try to accept an agent when not installed Actions Bug #17718: Debian 6 repositories cannot be authenticated anymore Actions Bug #17723: Translate sles packer support in lua Actions Bug #17753: rudder-setup upgrade does not upgrade the repository Actions Bug #17754: Rudder-setup fails to set the correct repository on a sles15 system if lsb-release is installed Actions Bug #17758: rtf upgrade rudder doesn't work Actions Bug #17764: Enhance the cis rtf test Actions Bug #17766: Make rudder-dev try to label a pull request when pushing a change Actions Bug #17782: Missing release data for 6.1 Actions Bug #17785: Ad testinfra support to rudder-tests Actions Bug #17806: rtf does not support anymore dev_server setup Actions Bug #17807: rtf dev-server and demo-server fail to setup properly Actions Bug #17808: Add a relay/server perms test Actions Bug #17816: rudder-setup does no send inventory after a relay setup Actions Bug #17889: Rtf platform.py file is missing an import of the shell function Actions Bug #17948: Missing augeas package for sles based system in ncf-setup Actions Bug #17953: rudder-dev cleanup fails Actions Bug #17954: Improve rtf for aws documentation Actions Bug #17985: rudder-dev fails to assign issues in internal redmine Actions Bug #17991: Fix windows scripts for windows aws Actions Bug #18011: Make the aws windows inventory hook available on repository Actions Bug #18037: Add ssh setup script for windows machines in rtf Actions Bug #18089: In ncf-setup, tests dependencies installation should not be under set -e Actions Bug #18090: RTF dev is not working Actions Bug #18131: setup dev does not reload correctly ldap services Actions Bug #18141: Add an ncf test for windows agent Actions Bug #18165: Change the testinfra based tests reports to json format instead of junitxml Actions Bug #18166: Improve the DSC support in rtf Actions Bug #18180: Make rtf handle network hostonly uniqueness Actions Bug #18184: Rtf should skip platform parsing when it does know them Actions Bug #18196: Rtf exit code is 0 when the system of a platform is unknow Actions Bug #18210: Fix reading vagrantfile reading in a loop Actions Bug #18219: Rudder-tests does not handle failed tests in its report Actions Bug #18220: Windows ssh setup should set powershell as default shell Actions Bug #18273: Rudder-tests json reports are not colmplete Actions Bug #18298: Add a dump_mail command to rtf Actions Bug #18354: Rtf ncf scenario should not destroy the vm after it finishes Actions Bug #18385: Prepare 6.2 changelog Actions Bug #18396: Ubuntu18+ server requires at least 512Mb of ram to boot Actions Bug #18548: ncf tes dependencies are not installed on sles Actions Bug #18572: Rudder-setup should urlencode the password used for private repositories at least on sles Actions Bug #18573: Rudder-setup should define the rudder repo via a file on SLES based systems Actions Bug #18579: The repo password should be urlencoded on all sles base systems Actions Bug #18585: Rudder-setup urlencode the password in the rudder-pkg.conf file on sles system Actions Bug #18593: Add ubuntu18 box to the packer samples Actions Bug #18598: Force all ubuntu18 vagrant box to the normation ones Actions Bug #18611: Add ubuntu20 builder in packer Actions Bug #18706: Add a windows update scenario Actions Bug #18731: rudder-setup does not point to the correct url on solaris Actions Bug #18778: rudder-dev should set the Trigger test label on newly created PR Actions Bug #18820: Acceptation node on rudder dev seems to be too long Actions Bug #18897: Use SLES12 SP4 or SLES15 repos when we are on a SLES12 SP4 or SLES15 box Actions Bug #18927: Datetime import is missing Actions Bug #18934: Rtf always print the network used when calling platform commands, which is not needed Actions Bug #18936: rudder-tests should be callable from cli Actions Bug #18937: Nodes are not reachable from the server in dev mode Actions Bug #18938: Remove unwanted local changes in rudder-tests Actions Bug #19056: Fix several provisionning issues in rtf Actions Bug #19059: rework 6.2.3/6.2.4 release notes Actions Bug #19109: Typo reappeared in the cheatsheet Actions Bug #19141: load-database.py script is broken Actions Bug #19159: add agent compatibility with 7.0 in release-data Actions Bug #19287: Fix training configuration Actions Bug #19306: Rudder-setup for windows agents fails to setup the policy server properly Actions Bug #19312: Make package format name common in release-data Actions Bug #19532: Ncf tests always exit with error code 0 Actions Bug #19816: rudder-setup fails when debian suite changes Actions Bug #19817: rudder-setup fails when debian suite changes - only on recent apt versions Actions Bug #19885: Rtf fails to setup platform with windows hosts Actions Bug #19893: rtf fails to setup properly windows hosts on aws Actions Bug #19939: aws inventory hook fails on windows node if IE is not properly setup Actions Bug #19966: Update pip install script source Actions Bug #19975: Init Ansible Collection Actions Bug #19991: ncf-setup fails to install pytest on centos8 Actions Bug #19993: Cleanup rudder-tests repo Actions Bug #20005: ncf-setup fails to install jinja2 on sles12 Actions Bug #20198: Add cargo fmt to rudder-dev when possible Actions Bug #20259: Fix Ansible Collection Actions Bug #20260: Fix minor things from parent ticket Actions Bug #20296: Clean up the collection Actions Bug #20301: Rename the collection Actions Bug #20303: Remove type annotations from the collection Actions Bug #20305: Fix typo Actions Bug #20313: Parent ticket did not correct a typo, but did introduce syntax error Actions Bug #20317: Refactoring of the README and removal of unnecessary files (Makefiles, ansible.cfg, etc.) Actions Bug #20334: Ansible documentation refactoring Actions Bug #20346: Fix the git branch in the README file Actions Bug #20377: AWS inventory hook fails to retrieve instance data when using HVM virtualization Actions Bug #20378: Malformed module documentation Actions Bug #20403: Fix default value for rudder_url in modules Actions Bug #20404: Cleaning up comments Actions Bug #20405: Add simple test to verify that the version is correctly passed by the server role Actions Bug #20417: Exposing errors in API requests Actions Bug #20432: Ansible role rudder_server task names indicates agent specific tasks Actions Bug #20448: rudder-setup restarts rudder-jetty directly after install to set password , and it's usually during inventory tratment Actions Bug #20466: Update screenshots in release notes Actions Bug #20468: adapt rudder-compliance script for python 3 Actions Bug #20482: Add more RAM to relays Actions Bug #20502: rudder-setup fails in debian 11 Actions Bug #20504: rudder-setup ignores NO_HTTPS parameter Actions Bug #20509: agent under relay fail to update Actions Bug #20510: rudder-setup ignores NO_HTTPS parameter - bis Actions Bug #20517: apt-key is deprecated Actions Bug #20519: relay allowed network not applied Actions Bug #20523: relay allowed network not applied - commnd failed Actions Bug #20549: Adding the developer documentation to the readme Actions Bug #20563: Renaming of modules for better readability Actions Bug #20564: node_settings module should not throw an exception when no token is passed and the playbook is not run on the rudder server Actions Bug #20568: modules should not throw an exception when it fails to connect to the API Actions Bug #20580: module node_settings query option does not work Actions Bug #20588: Add modules documentation in README file Actions Bug #20601: Use python3 for fake report script Actions Bug #20618: Add the collection in Galaxy Actions Bug #20658: Set EOL dates for 6.1, 6.2 and release date for 7.0 Actions Bug #20689: Add debug option to the aws.py script and fix a typo Actions Bug #20701: Fixing the unit test run error Actions Bug #20723: Remove unecessary python-requests dependency Actions Bug #20725: Fix ci workdir execution Actions Bug #20726: Fix Jenkins workspace problem Actions Bug #20754: Ansible collection does not properly setup repository for (yet?) unsupported OS Actions Bug #20780: Do not use the gpg key if it is not specified Actions Bug #20793: Reordering changelogs Actions Bug #20807: script to generate reports doesn't work with 7.0 Actions Bug #20811: Add version number in runtime.yml Actions Bug #20825: Reverse imports for inventory plugin Actions Bug #20843: Fix OS check and repository setup Actions Bug #20858: Fix OS check for rudder_server Actions Bug #20860: Update collecitonversion number to 1.0.1 Actions Bug #20923: Remove proxy config from rtf Actions Bug #20925: Add release notes for 7.1 Actions Bug #21014: Add a wsus client setup script in rtf Actions Bug #21060: script to generate reports doesn't work with 7.1 Actions Bug #21063: load-inventories scripts are not synchronized Actions Bug #21064: Add link to system-updates doc in release notes Actions Bug #21069: typos in parent ticket Actions Bug #21127: script that sends reports don't support block Actions Bug #21138: rudder-setup detects amazon linux as rhel6 Actions Bug #21403: Update rudder-vagrant for 7.X Actions Bug #21465: add system updates in inventory templates for load testing Actions Bug #21475: improve inventory generation script Actions Bug #21508: aws inventory extension doesn't work on python2 Actions Bug #21517: Make rudder-dev aware of branches next for plugin Actions Bug #21526: Add more box to the vagrant box pool Actions Bug #21527: virtualbox emits a warning in rtf Actions Bug #21565: rtf emits a security warning Actions Bug #21570: script that generate reports fails in 6.2 Actions Bug #21576: rudder-reports is not built anymore Actions Bug #21680: rudder-setup should install plugins using --nightly when installing a nightly webapp build Actions Bug #21756: Rudder-dev fails to upmerge rudder-plugins-private on branches > 7.2 Actions Bug #21765: Allow to merge plugin repository Actions Bug #21804: Rudder ansible collection can not upgrade rudder packages Actions Bug #21839: update the os compatibility Actions Bug #21902: add support for Alma in ansible collection Actions Bug #21959: add raspbian support to rudder-setup Actions Bug #21967: Fix and test the rudder-setup.ps1 script Actions Bug #22013: rudder-setup fails to setup provate repo on debian Actions Bug #22014: rudder-setup fails to setup provate repo on debian - invalid passwotd format Actions Bug #22018: rudder-setup fails to install on old systems Actions Bug #22020: rudder-setup fails to install on old systems - unknown root cacert Actions Bug #22021: rudder-setup fails to install on old systems - missing ext Actions Bug #22023: rudder-setup fails to install on old systems - apt fails Actions Bug #22027: rudder-setup fails to install on old systems - apt still fails Actions Bug #22137: On modern systems we need more than 1.5G RAM for Rudder server Actions Bug #22183: Ansible collection should support the renaming of the server packages starting 7.2+ Actions Bug #22214: Add rudder-7.3.cson Actions Bug #22391: There's no documentation on how to use the inventory plugin Actions Bug #22418: Python stacktrace in versions table Actions Bug #22494: Add extra dependencies on AL2 in rudder-setup Actions Bug #22542: Ansible installer uses a deprecated way to setup gpg key Actions Bug #22592: Add al2023 to rudder-setup Actions Bug #22627: Update 7.3 release notes Actions Bug #22892: declared compatibility in 7.2 is misleading Actions Bug #22916: add label to rudder-ansible docker images Actions Bug #22963: add support to slackware in rudder-setup Actions Bug #22970: add support to slackware in rudder-setup - package must end with tgz Actions Bug #22999: compliance computation script may fail on block containing only blocks Actions Bug #23016: somehow, sometimes fix in parent ticket fails Actions Bug #23081: Consider only alpha1 as master Actions Bug #23085: rudder-compliance python script does not support techniques with blocks when some of the methods inside report an error Actions Bug #23086: fix compliance for block within block Actions Bug #23091: Typo in parent ticket Actions Bug #23092: Use python3 for rudder-compliance script Actions Bug #23096: Remove useless indication from release notes Actions Bug #23123: upgrade all nodes packages with Rudder Actions Bug #23140: typo in parent tcket for generating reports Actions Bug #23264: 7.2 is still maintained Actions Bug #23434: adapt rtf to support sles15 service packs Actions Bug #23537: Add support info for 7.0 and 7.1 Actions Bug #23572: Rudder-tests dev platform update Actions Bug #23659: add rhel omni fake distro to release data Actions Bug #23681: remove unsupported arch from rudder-release Actions Bug #23720: Ansible collection server_settings module fails to define the settings through API Actions Bug #23732: Architecture must be provided for debian installs Actions Bug #23784: ansible collection looks for "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" but some redhat refers to "RedHat" Actions Bug #23785: Ansible collection always fetch the repository key from https://repository.rudder.io/ Actions Bug #23816: Ansible collection should not try to check for OS version before installing the repositories and packages Actions Bug #23844: Ansible collection does not support amazon 2023 Actions Bug #24063: Server settings module fails when the value is a plain string Actions Bug #24073: Fix repo access with rudder-setup on old distro Actions Bug #24081: Fix repo access with rudder-setup on old distro - handle os with sub versions Actions Bug #24095: node_settings module does not support Json type properties Actions Bug #24160: Add a rhel9 omni build for rudder 8 - rhel9 omni is unknown Actions Bug #24365: The collection fails to setup credentials for SUSE repositories Actions Bug #24398: Rudder-api-client requierement are too old Actions Bug #24404: Update the dependencies Actions Bug #24446: Remove next branch from rudder-dev Actions Bug #24452: Use 512MB of ram for agents Actions Bug #24468: Update api doc to 19 Actions Bug #24479: rudder-setup should use "rudder package update" Actions Bug #24492: rudder-setup fails to install on debian 7 Actions Bug #24619: Remove rudder-plugins lifecycle and treat plugins merge differently Actions Bug #24711: Missing message when merge was ok breaks plugin upmerge using rudder-dev (at least on private plugins repo) Actions Bug #24803: Remove user-management publishing in 8.2 Actions Bug #24819: Remove user-management from rudder-robot Actions Bug #24898: Remove call to qa-test in rudder-dev merge Actions Bug #24912: rudder-dev doesn't update reviewer list Actions Bug #25107: Set proper sales-tier to rhel9 arm64 Actions Bug #25119: Remove unbuildable architectures from release data Actions Bug #25566: Use old RPM key in 8.2 Actions Bug #25598: don't depend on libreoffice rudder-nodes-list Actions Bug #25852: rudder-setup uses incorrect repository key url to download the public keys Actions Bug #25954: quality-assistant does sanity check before parsing all the arguments of the CLI which lead to logical nonsenses Actions Bug #26044: correct typo in release note Actions Bug #26166: Test issue Actions Bug #26236: Add rtf support for Windows2025 Actions Bug #26269: Rudder-dev blame truncate the bugtracker ticket numbers Actions Bug #26296: Use imdsv2 in aws inventory hook Actions Bug #26334: aws.py fails when public key item is a list Actions Bug #26352: Add 8.3 support to the Ansible collection Actions Bug #26353: Make rudder-robot test the 8.3 branch Actions Bug #26357: Fix the repository key url parameters Actions Bug #26377: Fix typos in rudder-tools Actions Bug #26381: typo in the parent ticket Actions User story #6413: Create a script to transform a rule into a test Actions User story #6414: Create a script to transform a rule into a test Actions User story #6499: Add a relay test case in rudder-tests Actions User story #6532: Add 3.1 branch support in rudder-dev Actions User story #6538: Implement rudder-dev retarget Actions User story #6572: We should be able to specify a version to rudder-dev retarget Actions User story #6576: Add a merge strategy option Actions User story #6653: Allow windows agents Actions User story #6654: Allow server for windows agents Actions User story #6655: rudder-setup / cleanbox equivalent for windows Actions User story #6656: Allow to install advanced reporting plugin Actions User story #6657: Allow a user to export his current platform Actions User story #6658: Allow a user to snapshot his platform Actions User story #6675: Allow a user to share his platform Actions User story #6767: rudder-dev method to take over a ticket with an existing PR Actions User story #6850: Add the ability to branch on a PR instead of a release branch Actions User story #6965: Rudder api client doesn't handle some api options Actions User story #6976: On rudder > 3.0 use package rudder-server-relay Actions User story #7025: Create a platform for trainings Actions User story #7029: preliminary support for solaris in rudder-test Actions User story #7124: Clarify rudder-dev usage and getting started instructions for newbies Actions User story #7174: Allow rudder-dev base on a local branch Actions User story #7175: Add a --quiet option to rudder-dev merge Actions User story #7185: Stash and unstash changes when changing current branch with rudder-dev Actions User story #7198: Add bare ncf support to rtf Actions User story #7208: rudder-dev should fork when making a PR not when cloning Actions User story #7298: rudder should automatically guess my redmine role Actions User story #7299: Add a rudder-dev-init script Actions User story #7347: Add rudder-dev revert Actions User story #7467: Add a command to see what needs to be done Actions User story #7493: Add high priority issues to rudder-dashboard Actions User story #7545: make rudder-dev errors more visible to the user Actions User story #7602: rudder-dev self upgrade Actions User story #7676: Add an test environment to simulate embedded/IoT platforms Actions User story #7702: Create files to hold release informations Actions User story #7747: Add quick and important issues to dashboard Actions User story #7780: Add support for version-specific parts in rudder-tests scenarios Actions User story #7786: Add a script that can easily install Rudder anywhere Actions User story #7791: Allow some little performance improvement in rudder-test Actions User story #7852: Add support for ncf builder in ncf-setup Actions User story #7854: Use vm from hashicorp/normation when possible in rudder-test Actions User story #7857: Ruder-dev should help user writing patch for ncf Actions User story #7894: Write a Rudder cheat sheet Actions User story #7948: Add CFEngine version to release-data Actions User story #7964: Only include CFEngine major release number in release-data Actions User story #8013: rudder-dev subtask should provide a --bug option Actions User story #8084: Start a test from a .rtf.yml file Actions User story #8087: Use http links for ci links in rudder-setup Actions User story #8088: Use http links for ci links in cleanbox Actions User story #8098: Allow private PR in rudder-dev Actions User story #8103: Add slackware support in rudder-setup Actions User story #8115: Start a scenario from a file given in parameter Actions User story #8180: Use a SLES12SP1 box Actions User story #8215: Add an ubuntu 16.04 box Actions User story #8216: Add a rudder-dev merge pr to merge a specific PR Actions User story #8245: Define a specification for techniques tests with rtf Actions User story #8255: rudder-dev merge PR should have a test only parameter Actions User story #8257: rudder-dev subtask should be abe to extend and existing title Actions User story #8268: rudder-dev subtask is error prone Actions User story #8314: Rudder-dev merge from a PR url Actions User story #8381: When rebasing, we have no help if the pre-rebase fails Actions User story #8393: Rudder-dev should tell if there is a stash waiting Actions User story #8401: Add ncf branch to release data Actions User story #8412: add a rudder-dev merge --continue Actions User story #8431: Create a tool to upmerge PR fro github Actions User story #8448: Add a tag to rudder-data to identify supported version Actions User story #8468: Mark Rudder 3.0 as EOL in release-info Actions User story #8469: Add EOL date in release-info Actions User story #8472: rudder-dev should write maintained-techniques for me Actions User story #8479: Add compatible agent versions to release-data Actions User story #8481: Add pretty name for systems in release-data Actions User story #8482: Add release date to rudder-info Actions User story #8485: rudder-dev should provide a link to the commit when wreating a wip commit Actions User story #8498: Add platform status and embedded dependencies by release in rudder-data Actions User story #8513: rudder-dev merge PR should comment on the PR Actions User story #8515: quality assistant must manage its own tags Actions User story #8554: Remove quality assistant tags when amending or rebasing Actions User story #8589: rudder compliance script should be able to take the host and token as arguments Actions User story #8644: The dashbord should tell when a PR needs a self merge Actions User story #8670: Test Rudder techniques with rtf Actions User story #8671: Generate the json file to be able to create a directive in the technique testing scenario Actions User story #8672: Add a technique specific scenario to rtf Actions User story #8674: Write a script to compare compliance based on the rule id Actions User story #8677: Add a screnario/test to reset the server configuration Actions User story #8680: Enable parameters api in rudder-cli Actions User story #8684: Have a metadata file to describe a technique test Actions User story #8689: Use ncf to initialise technique test Actions User story #8690: Create a rtf scenario technique to remotely test a local technique Actions User story #8697: Use a CFEngine file for test init Actions User story #8699: Enable compliance check in tests Actions User story #8700: Add libvirt support to rudder-tests Actions User story #8702: Document scenario in rtf Actions User story #8717: Add support for CFEngine developpment environment to rtf Actions User story #8731: quality-assistant should not accept to merge when a test fail Actions User story #8747: Add an upto strategy to rudder-dev Actions User story #8748: rudder-dev - Actions User story #8764: The training VM should always contain all needed tools Actions User story #8795: Improve platforms naming Actions User story #8815: Update supported agent for 3.3 - remove 2.11 and 3.0 Actions User story #8852: Move technique-files to rudder- tools Actions User story #8854: Use techniques-files from Rudder website in rtf Actions User story #8865: Add 32bit packages for Centos 7 Actions User story #8903: Use rudder commands in rtf Actions User story #8929: Rename 3.3 to 4.0 Actions User story #8930: Clean rudder-vagrant Actions User story #8932: Add current branch info to realease-info Actions User story #8940: Improve exception handling in rudder api cli Actions User story #8944: Install cfengine properly with ncf-setup Actions User story #8950: Use release-info to have compatibility matrix in rudder-setup Actions User story #8955: quality-assistant should default to running merge-tests Actions User story #8962: Add ubuntu 16.04 to 3.1 supported versions Actions User story #8977: Drop Ubuntu 12.04 server support in 4.0 Actions User story #8992: Mark Rudder 2.11 as EOL in release-data Actions User story #9015: Make rudder-setup compatible with Rudder > 3.2 Actions User story #9016: Drop 2.11 support from rudder-setup Actions User story #9059: Compatibility test is broken for nightlies Actions User story #9072: Update the vim config to a version that supports features from CFEngine 3.6-3.10 Actions User story #9112: quality assistant should reassign the issue when it cannot merge a PR Actions User story #9205: Remove 2.11 and 3.0 from release-data Actions User story #9357: Have a stable and lts version in rudder-setup Actions User story #9377: quality assistant should reassign the issue when tests fail Actions User story #9423: User distribution independant repo file in rudder-setup Actions User story #9452: Quality assistant should lock its git local repo access Actions User story #9482: Add rudder-dev blame Actions User story #9511: Better document rudder-setup version names Actions User story #9524: rudder-dev should support https repository Actions User story #9563: Add a release_status to release_info Actions User story #9568: Add id autodetection in vagrantfile Actions User story #9569: Have a Vagrantfile based on rudder-tests in rudder-vagrant Actions User story #9573: rudder-setup should send an inventory Actions User story #9574: cleanbox should not unconditionally add normation specific repo Actions User story #9590: Move Rudder changelogs into release-data Actions User story #9634: Check invalid rejected issues with quality assistant Actions User story #9648: Add a node to the rudder-vagrant platform Actions User story #9652: Mark 4.0 as released in release-data Actions User story #9653: Change demo setup script to use rudder-init with two arguments Actions User story #9654: rudder-dev typo Actions User story #9659: Changelog for 4.0.0 Actions User story #9665: Set EOL for 3.2 in release data Actions User story #9667: Add a link to the 4.0 blog post in change log Actions User story #9695: Add a rudder-dev read-my-browser Actions User story #9702: Add 4.1 to release data Actions User story #9712: Change ncf branch for 3.2 and 4.0 to 1.0 Actions User story #9781: dashboard should list PR with a comment waiting for a reply Actions User story #9782: quality-assistant should retrieve conversation into redmine Actions User story #9783: quality assistant should use the approval mechanist instead of a tag Actions User story #9784: quality-assistant should check that branch matches target version Actions User story #9801: rudder-setup should check that the hostname can be resolved Actions User story #9849: stop support of relay packages on old systems Actions User story #9850: stop support of rudder-agent-thin on old systems Actions User story #9874: add a code name to os in release-data Actions User story #9886: Initialize 4.1 changelog Actions User story #9888: Create 4.2 release data Actions User story #9892: Remove relay packages on old systems and add server packages to sles 12 Actions User story #9974: Generate some pages of the website from markdown files Actions User story #10057: cleanup rudder-setup os detection Actions User story #10058: install java8 repositories with rudder-test Actions User story #10231: Rudder 3.2 reached EOL Actions User story #10335: 4.1 reaches release candidate state Actions User story #10353: Make rtf more portable Actions User story #10410: Update 4.1 main features in changelog Actions User story #10431: Cleanup test platforms Actions User story #10443: Final 4.1 features list in changelog Actions User story #10447: Add sles12 dvd support to rtf Actions User story #10461: add a -u option to rudder-dev amend Actions User story #10536: Mark 4.1 as released Actions User story #10546: add more information to debug output in api-cli Actions User story #10686: Add debian 9 in release-data api Actions User story #10722: Use normation based vm in rtf Actions User story #10775: Run agent in rudder-setup install instead of inventory Actions User story #10783: Add support to prototype branch in rudder-dev Actions User story #10835: Rudder-setup should support prototype installation Actions User story #10839: Add powershell syntax highlighting to vim in rtf Actions User story #10891: Quality assistant could tag old PR Actions User story #10922: Synchronize rudder api cli with latest documentation Actions User story #10971: Fix minor release changelogs Actions User story #11130: improve rudder-tests techniques scenario Actions User story #11156: Add "Start at " option in rudder-tests technique scenario Actions User story #11243: Add a demo scenario to rudder-tests Actions User story #11295: Add install support of dsc agent and plugin to rtf Actions User story #11341: Slack notifcation for non compliance Actions User story #11381: Remove debvian 7 support for servers in 4.2 Actions User story #11388: Add debian 9 support in rtf Actions User story #11389: Add normation based debian box in rtf Actions User story #11592: Update Rudder cheatsheet Actions User story #11617: Add a Windows VM to the training platform Actions User story #11778: Make rudder dashboard work outside of Normation Actions User story #11794: quality assistant should merge approved PR Actions User story #11831: Improve script to generate inventory Actions User story #11899: Rudder 3.1 reaches EOL Actions User story #11984: Update release-data for 4.3 Actions User story #12050: Update list of supported OS in 4.3 Actions User story #12092: Add loglevel to rudder-dev Actions User story #12212: Update cheatsheet Actions User story #12219: Update cheatsheet Actions User story #12341: change rule name in technique test Actions User story #12350: aws support on rudder tests Actions User story #12370: Add demo platforms to rtf Actions User story #12404: Centreon support for rtf Actions User story #12454: Add rhel pseudo codenames to release-data Actions User story #12466: Add a spec function to check reports log Actions User story #12469: Add a prefix to repo definition in rudder-setup Actions User story #12498: Add emphasis on breaking change in changelog Actions User story #12499: Update 4.3 features in changelog Actions User story #12508: Have a daemon forward the inventories instead of the agent's run Actions User story #12540: Stop support of rudder relay 4.1 on ubuntu 12.04 Actions User story #12617: Update supported system on next version in release-data Actions User story #12657: Only build rudder-agent for ubuntu 12.04 in 4.1 branch Actions User story #12862: Add possibility to have common ressources for scripts Actions User story #12874: Update configuration.properties file for dev environnement in rtf Actions User story #12944: Add ubuntu 18.04 image Actions User story #12945: Allows to specify ram for a given machine in plateform declaration Actions User story #13097: Make quality assistant suitable for jenkins Actions User story #13109: Add build id to quality assistant message Actions User story #13166: Update release-data Actions User story #13226: #13222 fails to install git on old ubuntu Actions User story #13285: Add kant merge option Actions User story #13291: Add a ncf_test scenario to rtf Actions User story #13327: rtf should use a customizable prefix to define its subnets Actions User story #13355: Add tier1 / tier2 information to release-data Actions User story #13369: Remove rtf setup from log stats Actions User story #13386: Add squash merge option to rudder-dev Actions User story #13480: Update rudder-setup to use the new release urls Actions User story #13482: Add support to private repository to rudder-setup Actions User story #13484: Add fixup to rudder-dev Actions User story #13503: Add support to private repository to rtf Actions User story #13522: Allow multiple sessions of rtf to be running at the same times Actions User story #13556: another typo in rtf Actions User story #13585: Add sles15 support to vagrant.rb Actions User story #13684: Add support for ubuntu13.04 and 15.10 in rtf Actions User story #13760: Update the api_data.json in rudder-cli Actions User story #13961: Generate RSS feeds for Rudder and plugins Actions User story #13963: Allow rtf to retry a test case when running a scenario Actions User story #13986: Add aliases to the os name in rtf Actions User story #14060: Remove rhel3 and sles10 from released platform on 5.1 Actions User story #14083: Rename rudder-inventory-ldap to rudder-ldap in release-data Actions User story #14111: Change the provider url for rtf sles11 boxes Actions User story #14120: Update cheatsheet Actions User story #14122: Make rtf able to boot a vm without providing rudder specific installations steps Actions User story #14142: Add a possibility to separate the vms provisionning in rtf from vagrant Actions User story #14143: Change reference to rudder-init.sh to rudder-init Actions User story #14148: Split rtf in different modules Actions User story #14223: Update cheat sheet Actions User story #14224: Let the host.run method in rtf returns the exit code of the command if needed Actions User story #14228: Training platform should be updated Actions User story #14249: rtf scenarii should be able to dump rudder log files Actions User story #14266: Add more values tested in the inventory in rtf Actions User story #14276: Add a dockerfile for Rudder server Actions User story #14278: Add plugins support in rtf Actions User story #14280: Make rtf usable without shared-files from the host and guest machines Actions User story #14297: Force rudder-setup to install zip Actions User story #14376: Add zip package install in rudder-setup Actions User story #14453: Add serverspec install support to ncf-setup Actions User story #14555: rudder-dev subtask must give a proper title Actions User story #14646: Add serverspec support to ncf test scenario Actions User story #14694: Make ncf-setup able to run the ncf tests from a ncf pull request Actions User story #14703: Let rtf execute tests from a given ncf PR Actions User story #14704: Add in release-data the branches and rudder version matching Actions User story #14760: Stop providing server packages on debian 8 Actions User story #14801: Change the serverspec usage in rtf scenario in testinfra Actions User story #14838: add ci/4.1-nightly as a target for rudder-setup Actions User story #14890: Add a script to tag pull request with a given status Actions User story #14960: Add cpu allocation support in rtf Actions User story #14968: Add disk size options in rtf Actions User story #14969: Add a big platform in rtf to show all the differents options possibles in the json Actions User story #15009: Add an example inventory hook for CPU vulnerabilities Actions User story #15010: Improve python hook for cpu vulnerability Actions User story #15046: make rtf prompt apache logs if the update of the agents fails in scenario Actions User story #15055: Add support for old OS in at least ncf_tests Actions User story #15058: rudder-dev fixup should not say commit modifed Actions User story #15141: Make ncf-setup supports ncf install from local ncf Actions User story #15153: Add an inventory hook allowing easy extension using osquery Actions User story #15264: Rudder-dev should assign reviewer in github instead of redmine Actions User story #15297: Change rtf to use lockfile instead of process name lock Actions User story #15559: Add a tool to export a rule, its directives, and the techniques they are built on Actions User story #15605: Create 5.2 in release-data Actions User story #15641: Make rudder-setup work on aix Actions User story #15666: Add ncf-api-client as a package for server role in release-data Actions User story #15681: Add a dev mode to rudder-setup to install a development server Actions User story #15685: Use rudder-setup dev mode in rudder-test to install a development server Actions User story #15712: rudder-setup in devmode should insert sample inventories Actions User story #15719: rudder-setup should check install with rudder health commands Actions User story #15860: Remove temporarily rudder-api-client from 5.0 Actions User story #16147: Add a test in aws extension to check if on ec2 Actions User story #16253: Update platforms for training Actions User story #16299: Rudder-api-client should be able to work for any api version Actions User story #16368: Update rudder-vagrant to use ubuntu 18 and rudder 6.0 Actions User story #16581: rudder-dev should assign reviwer in github Actions User story #16597: Update cheatsheet Actions User story #16650: rudder-dev should not let the user amend the wrong commit Actions User story #16702: add an rtf.conf file Actions User story #17204: Remove ubuntu 16 as a rudder server in 6.1 Actions User story #17257: Add ubuntu 20 to rudder 6.1 Actions User story #17285: Add an ApiCall resource to serverspec Actions User story #17296: Add serverspec resource to test agent run Actions User story #17418: Dockerize Rudder root server Actions User story #17439: Add ability to install plugins to rudder-setup Actions User story #17505: rudder-setup should be able to create admin user if asked for Actions User story #17559: Add suffix handling and ensure subtasks have different titles Actions User story #17582: Add documentation for new features of rtf Actions User story #17590: Refresh default platforms for rtf Actions User story #17663: Add a fail early option to rtf Actions User story #17669: Give meaningful names to default platform hosts in rtf Actions User story #17729: Automatically manage box version in packer Actions User story #17763: Rework snapshot semantics Actions User story #17784: Add fail-early option to rtf rudder-upgrade Actions User story #17820: add a rudder-setup remove command Actions User story #17905: Add a script to synchronize configuration-repository between Rudder servers Actions User story #17913: add possibility to set up destination server token Actions User story #17924: Use -E option from rudder agent when available Actions User story #18013: Automating Rudder installation and configuration via Ansible Actions User story #18181: improve documentation on rudder-tests Actions User story #18280: Add singe tmux shell option Actions User story #18299: Change admin password in training platforms Actions User story #18638: Rtf should modify the prompt in bashrc to show on what machine we are connected Actions User story #18916: Remove server support for old distro in 7.0 Actions User story #18925: Simplify the ncf_tests scenario and remove the setup part in it Actions User story #18929: ncf-setup should agregate the test log files after a test run Actions User story #19203: Create a Rudder inventory plugin for ansible Actions User story #19338: Make a script to help visualize global variables defined in the configuration Actions User story #19486: Change the sorting method of rca Actions User story #19713: Add winrm backend information to the rtf dump command for windows hosts Actions User story #19721: Wrong indentation in parent ticket Actions User story #19994: Add sles12 support to the packer builder Actions User story #19996: Add sles-12-sp4 in rtf Actions User story #20026: Simplify vagrant plugin installation commands Actions User story #20309: Write roles documentation Actions User story #20314: Add a JenkinsFile to the repo Actions User story #20325: Put armbian entries in debian ones Actions User story #20352: Added the section to uninstall the collection in the README Actions User story #20375: Add server 6.2 support to debian 11 Actions User story #20407: rudder-api-client should ignore proxies for localhost Actions User story #20413: Refactor and add windows agent support Actions User story #20419: Make the modification of values idempotent Actions User story #20463: Add setup custom port (for https and cfengine) Actions User story #20489: Add inventory plugin Actions User story #20544: Follow documentation for debian apt passwords Actions User story #20545: Improve the rudder_node_settings ansible module Actions User story #20651: Update release notes Actions User story #20711: Update cheatsheet for 7.0 Actions User story #20720: Add enhancement to rudder-dev branch creation type Actions User story #20870: Add centos8 stream packer builder Actions User story #20887: Add a slackware template for packer Actions User story #20991: update rtf box list Actions User story #21023: Update 7.1 release notes Actions User story #21781: Add sles-15-sp4 support to rtf Actions User story #21856: rudder-setup.ps1 should support newer releases of the windows agent Actions User story #22016: Add a command to create inventory samples Actions User story #22185: Add windows2022 to rtf Actions User story #22485: 7.3 release notes Actions User story #23905: Add allowed networks support to the ansible collection Actions User story #24065: Add an allowed_network configuration example in the Ansible server_settings module documentation Actions User story #24597: Update rtf platforms Actions User story #25585: Add rhel9 as almalinux/9 in rtf Actions User story #25919: Rework the jenkinsfile of the repo Actions User story #26091: Initialize the 8.3 branch for rudder-robot Actions User story #26174: Adapt rudder-dev to new branches Actions Architecture #5356: Change url of cloned repository for packaging Actions Architecture #5360: Simplify repo-merg.sh script by becoming more DRY Actions Architecture #5361: Simplify duplicate code in repo-merge.sh Actions Architecture #7550: Prepare rudder-dev to be automatically published to a well known url Actions Architecture #7827: Use the public rudder-setup in rtf Actions Architecture #8306: Make rudder-dev modular to share code Actions Architecture #8428: Make rudder-dev fake library look like real library Actions Architecture #9572: Change rtf to use autodetected ids Actions Architecture #10470: no need to preinstall java in rudder-test Actions Architecture #10472: Add rudder version variable in rtf scenario Actions Architecture #10474: Allow multiple test at once in technique test metadata Actions Architecture #10721: rudder 3.1 agent are not compatible with 4.3 server Actions Architecture #10960: Tag 4.1 as ESR Actions Architecture #10988: 4.1 uses ncf 1.1 Actions Architecture #11058: 4.0 reaches EOL Actions Architecture #11246: Update api to rudder 4.1 Actions Architecture #11655: Import old ncf-openstack-technique in contrib Actions Architecture #11681: Add release data for 4.3 Actions Architecture #12046: Use systemd commands when possible to avoid useless messages Actions Architecture #12334: Change 4.3 state to rc Actions Architecture #12445: rtf should create an api token with full perms Actions Architecture #12491: Mark 4.3 as released Actions Architecture #13298: Add slackware to release-data Actions Architecture #13635: Integrate 5.0 release notes Actions Architecture #13641: Use new repo in rudder-vagrant Actions Architecture #13930: Format changelog to be rendered as part of the documentation Actions Architecture #13952: Reformat changelogs for better integration Actions Architecture #13955: Clean up old changelogs Actions Architecture #13977: Add 5.1 to release-data Actions Architecture #14019: Remove old package from release-data in 5.1 Actions Architecture #14035: Update rudder-setup url Actions Architecture #14037: Update tools url after move to repository.rudder.io Actions Architecture #14039: Add basic release-data for all previous rudder releases Actions Architecture #14043: Add EOL dates for 4.1 and 4.3 Actions Architecture #14153: 4.3 reaches public EOL Actions Architecture #14274: Create a script to do the merge Actions Architecture #14382: Fix links in 5.0 changelog intro Actions Architecture #14383: Fix syntax is changelog links Actions Architecture #14484: Add slackware 14.1 to release-data Actions Architecture #14746: New data in release-data Actions Architecture #14755: Addstandard architecture list in release-data Actions Architecture #14954: remove debian 5 from supported distro Actions Architecture #15027: Remove rudder-ldap package from 5.1 Actions Architecture #15168: 4.3 support has ended Actions Architecture #15172: Add debian 10 release to public versions in release data Actions Architecture #15173: Add rhel8 support to rudder in release data Actions Architecture #15342: Remove rudder-init from rudder-setup Actions Architecture #15510: Add arm achitectures to supported versions Actions Architecture #15613: Initialize 5.1 changelog Actions Architecture #15727: python code should specify python version Actions Architecture #15842: Adapt release-data for 6.0 Actions Architecture #15844: Add windows OS to release-data Actions Architecture #15876: Remove upgrade from 4.3 to 6.0 Actions Architecture #15925: Start working on the 6.0 changelogs Actions Architecture #16095: Improve 6.0 changelog notes Actions Architecture #16138: Add inventory variables to changelog Actions Architecture #16259: Update changelog - markdown editor Actions Architecture #16298: Move 6.0 release notes to a dedicated page Actions Architecture #16313: Rework 6.0 release notes Actions Architecture #16558: Cleanup deprecated functions in rudder-dev Actions Architecture #16632: Update rudder-vagrant to 6.0 Actions Architecture #16633: Agent start is not needed anymore after agent setup Actions Architecture #16714: Separate vagrant.py from rtf Actions Architecture #16780: Update 6.0 release notes for 6.0.3 Actions Architecture #16876: Use openapi spec in api client Actions Architecture #17031: Make rudder-api-client an optional dependency for rtf Actions Architecture #17146: Update release info about 6.1 Actions Architecture #17230: update ubuntu versions in release data Actions Architecture #17236: Improve release notes for 6.1 Actions Architecture #17398: Split rtf in a setup and a test tool Actions Architecture #17399: Duplicate rtf tests part to make it more independant Actions Architecture #17407: Add aws support to rtf Actions Architecture #17428: Add ubuntu 20 agent support to 6.0 Actions Architecture #17459: Add system informations ina central place Actions Architecture #17483: Validate platform input data before running a scenario on it Actions Architecture #17551: Update 6.1 release notes Actions Architecture #17632: Translate packer configuration to lua Actions Architecture #17652: Clean up rtf clone Actions Architecture #17658: Add packer for debian 10 Actions Architecture #17664: Mark 6.1 as stable Actions Architecture #17711: Add packer configuration for all debians Actions Architecture #17721: Finish debian packer support Actions Architecture #17773: Update agent compatibility info in release-data Actions Architecture #17789: Split rtf into a vagrant library and main Actions Architecture #17949: Create rudder 6.2 release data Actions Architecture #17978: Add windows support to rtf on aws Actions Architecture #17987: change solaris package type in release data Actions Architecture #17993: Add a rudder-setup for windows Actions Architecture #18400: Add release notes for 6.2 Actions Architecture #18485: Add API versions to release-data Actions Architecture #18651: Update 6.2 release notes Actions Architecture #18667: Rudder-setup should support solaris and aix Actions Architecture #18755: Mark 6.2 as final Actions Architecture #18761: Add solaris to 6.2 release data Actions Architecture #18988: Refactoring Ansible Playbook Actions Architecture #19014: Add requirements.txt for rudder-api-client repository Actions Architecture #19018: Server 7.0 is not compatible with agent 5.0 Actions Architecture #19042: Add windows target version for build Actions Architecture #19372: Add debian 11 to release data Actions Architecture #19428: Only merge PR when tests have been executed successfully Actions Architecture #19430: Parent break quality-assistant Actions Architecture #19432: Add CI checks in rudder-tools Actions Architecture #19444: Allow merge when no tests are present Actions Architecture #19463: Add logrotate config for vuls Actions Architecture #19635: Update release-data for 7.0 Actions Architecture #19645: Prepare release notes for 7.0 Actions Architecture #19676: Update extended support status for 6.1 Actions Architecture #19742: Add a script for security upgrade inventory extension Actions Architecture #19934: rename windows2008r2 to windows in release data Actions Architecture #19940: add support for ubuntu in parent ticket Actions Architecture #20120: Add python3 version to release data Actions Architecture #20240: Add ppc64 distro to release-data Actions Architecture #20312: Add 7.0 release notes Actions Architecture #20536: Cache vagrant ssh-config calls to speedup scenarios Actions Architecture #20546: Improved code quality (for Ansible sanity tests) Actions Architecture #20547: Improve the rudder_server_settings ansible module Actions Architecture #20556: Add setup custom port Actions Architecture #20565: Replacement of requests by ansible.module_utils.urls Actions Architecture #20566: Generate doc dynamically for modules Actions Architecture #20583: Mark 7.0 as final Actions Architecture #20681: Add unit tests for modules Actions Architecture #20698: Add 7.0 release-data Actions Architecture #20715: Adding the publication in Galaxy Actions Architecture #20779: Fix ansible.builtin.command Actions Architecture #20803: Adding the doc in each module/roles Actions Architecture #20826: Add documentation part in TOC (in README file) Actions Architecture #20827: Adding the doc of the inventory plugin Actions Architecture #21089: release data is missing some system info Actions Architecture #21090: Create 7.2 release data Actions Architecture #21105: Update rudder-setup according to the new setup documentation Actions Architecture #21145: Build server for rhel7 Actions Architecture #21161: Add new packages in release-data Actions Architecture #21194: rudder-setup should use server-create-user to create admin user Actions Architecture #21199: Remove trigger test label on PRs Actions Architecture #21337: Dockerize licence script Actions Architecture #21342: Dockerize licence script Actions Architecture #21349: Store more information about components in release data Actions Architecture #21358: Add rhel9 to release-data Actions Architecture #21408: Update release-data for 7.2 Actions Architecture #21409: Add 7.2 changelog Actions Architecture #21437: Create a release notes draft for 7.2 Actions Architecture #21649: re-add rudder-webapp as a package Actions Architecture #21729: Update 7.2 release notes Actions Architecture #21810: Update release-data Actions Architecture #22028: Don't merge draft PR Actions Architecture #22255: Enable Amazon Linux 2 build for 7.2 Actions Architecture #22438: Update release-data for 7.3 Actions Architecture #22493: Add amazon linux 2 VM to rtf Actions Architecture #22559: Add al2023 to release data Actions Architecture #22618: Add amazon linux to rtf Actions Architecture #22744: Add 8.0 build to release-data Actions Architecture #22754: Remove transitional package from release-data Actions Architecture #22766: Add debian12 to release-data Actions Architecture #22784: Remove rhel5 from release-data Actions Architecture #22861: Add slackware 15 as supported OS Actions Architecture #23418: Release notes for 8.0 Actions Architecture #23420: Release notes for 8.0 - fixes Actions Architecture #23503: add system infos for rust Actions Architecture #23505: Add sales-tier data to release-data Actions Architecture #23506: Add support eol and versions to release-data Actions Architecture #23550: Update release notes for 8.0 Actions Architecture #23576: Mark 8.0 as final Actions Architecture #23578: Mark 8.0 as final - more Actions Architecture #23580: Be more precise in the 8.0.0 release notes Actions Architecture #23601: Add release date for 8.0 Actions Architecture #23604: Add EOL dates for 7.3 Actions Architecture #24039: Update 7.3 eol dates Actions Architecture #24045: Add initial release notes for 8.1 Actions Architecture #24078: update rudder-setup to handle future repo key Actions Architecture #24153: Add a rhel9 omni build for rudder 8 Actions Architecture #24465: Rudder is detected with lifecycle rudder-plugins now Actions Architecture #24670: Improve 8.1 release notes Actions Architecture #24699: Update release data for 8.1 Actions Architecture #24809: Add ubuntu 24.04 LTS image Actions Architecture #25064: Add arm64 to rhel9 supported architectures Actions Architecture #25128: Remove AIX from builds Actions Architecture #25138: Remove AIX from rudder-setup Actions Architecture #25185: Add release notes for 8.2 Actions Architecture #25763: Update release-data for 8.2 release Actions Architecture #26007: Update rudder-setup to match 8.3 dopcumentation about gpg key Actions Architecture #26165: Use drafts for WIP Actions Architecture #26343: Common dockerfile in rudder-tools ci Actions Enhancement #12274: Rudder-tests offline Actions Enhancement #13625: Make Rudder setup work on Amazon Linux Actions Enhancement #16075: We should not require patching the system python stdlib to make rudder-dev work Actions Enhancement #22606: Update release notes for 7.3 Actions Enhancement #22612: Add windows specific notes in the release notes Actions Enhancement #22934: Add debian 12 support to rudder test Actions Enhancement #23565: Improve release notes appearance Actions Enhancement #24306: Basic API call test on plugins Actions