User story #12836
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 6 years ago
While trying to do complex testing of techniques, i encountered the following use case that I couldn't use
h2. Code reusability
If some code is common in the checks of different directive, there is no way I can have some common code and include them
h2. Ordering
There is no way to define in which order the test must be run
h2. Cleaning
We cannot clean after a test (deleting the directive, or running an action on the node to return to a known state
h2. Running directive outside of the compliance check
For sshKeyDistribution, I need users to be present on the system. If I use a directive to create them, the compliance will be different at first run than from other run (not the same number of repair in the user creation directive)
h2. Reliability
Compliance may take a bit of time to be processed - and we are querying asap the compliance of test. We should ensure compliance is up to date before measuring it