

Janos Matya

  • Login: janos
  • GitHub: matya
  • Registered on: 2016-08-03
  • Last sign in: 2020-07-30


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



15:25 Rudder Bug #8351: After the promises generation, cf-serverd config may not be reloaded, preventing new nodes from connecting
Is it an architectural thing to keep using cf-serverd? Does it benefit in long term?
Any benefits on long term to sw...
Janos Matya


16:31 Rudder Bug #10019: blocks on inventory parsing error
The problem is that the api returns 5xx on a Java issue (the ugly way heapdumping) and also on queue full. Janos Matya


13:55 Rudder Bug #11613: generic_variable_definition inserts spaces in multi lined values
You just have to remove some spaces in front of the variable substitution of string template, the diff is basically a... Janos Matya


17:59 Rudder Bug #11594: JVM crash due to thread leak in CachedFindRuleNodeStatusReports
For long term it might be a good idea to outsource building the policy, either to the relays or dedicated host, like ... Janos Matya


14:06 Rudder Revision 0fd79e4f (ncf): Fixes #10716: sharedfile_to_node broken if file is updated after shared
Janos Matya
14:06 Rudder Revision 0fd79e4f (rudder): Fixes #10716: sharedfile_to_node broken if file is updated after shared
Janos Matya


18:32 Rudder Bug #8825: crontab frequency does not support reserved string @reboot
It might be worth mentioning, that there are also other special prefixes as of @man 5 crontab@:... Janos Matya
15:18 Rudder Bug #8824 (Released): Zypper repo management "Delete all other repositories than those managed by Rudder" is broken
Found apparently a bug in the SLES Zypper repo management technique:
Janos Matya


16:43 Rudder Revision 31261c8d (ncf): Fixes #7864: Missing Functions for File-Checks
Janos Matya
16:43 Rudder Revision 31261c8d (rudder): Fixes #7864: Missing Functions for File-Checks
Janos Matya

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