Bug #10655
closedUnclear field description in MOTD technique
each time I modify the first or any line of my message, it is added to the old information, it does not replace the previous modified line.
Updated by Alexis Mousset almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Changing text in the MOTD. to Unclear field description in MOTD technique
- Category set to Techniques
- Target version set to 3.1.20
- Severity set to Minor - inconvenience | misleading | easy workaround
- User visibility set to Operational - other Techniques | Technique editor | Rudder settings
- Effort required set to Very Small
This is the normal behavior, when the agent runs, it has no knowledge about previously applied configuration.
You need to check the "Enforce this MOTD only" to only have the live you entered in the form in your MOTD (and remove all the rest). It should be clearer in the form.
Updated by Alexis Mousset almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Assignee set to Alexis Mousset
Updated by Alexis Mousset almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Alexis Mousset to Benoît PECCATTE
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder-techniques/pull/1140
Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago
- User visibility changed from Operational - other Techniques | Technique editor | Rudder settings to Getting started - demo | first install | level 1 Techniques
Changing the visibility to Getting started because motd is level 1 technique.
We thought of renaming: enforce to Append to existing MOTD (disabled by default).
But as the semantic is inverted, it may be complexe to migrate (or need to change name).
Perhaps adding a default to enforce, to?
Updated by Alexis Mousset almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
Applied in changeset rudder-techniques|a7800314fea1256bc8f7e281d3c550c79ab9f9b6.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released