



Bug #10659


Node search input field are tiny and a nightmare to use

Added by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Web - UI & UX
Target version:
Minor - inconvenience | misleading | easy workaround
UX impact:
User visibility:
Getting started - demo | first install | level 1 Techniques
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


When we are searching for nodes (or creating groups), the value field is tiny, and most of the time we can't even see whole simple value (almost not even a full UUID!) - not speaking for regex.

We need that field to be much bigger by default, and perhaps force the whole value to always be fully displayed (even if it means going one several line - I don't mean textarea here)

Actions #1

Updated by Raphael GAUTHIER almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In progress
Actions #2

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE almost 8 years ago

  • Severity changed from Major - prevents use of part of Rudder | no simple workaround to Minor - inconvenience | misleading | easy workaround
  • Priority changed from 72 to 53

Objectively, this does not prevent use, it hinders it, so changing severity to Minor. We must be careful not to abuse severity levels - if we end up one day making some form fields bigger instead of fixing a bug that prevents Rudder working on, for example, SLES (also a Major bug - prevents use of part of Rudder), that would be a serious mistake, and users would blame us for it.

Actions #3

Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago

Well, you are right.
For post mortem, I set it to major because there was reported problem on groups due to the fact that the whole value was not seen, and so there was a typo between lines leading to a disaster. But for one, I should have tell that in the ticket, and for 2/, objectively it was a user fault and nothing to do with Rudder, which was only misleading. So "minor" is correct.

Actions #4

Updated by Raphael GAUTHIER almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In progress to New
  • Effort required changed from Very Small to Small
  • Priority changed from 53 to 43
Actions #5

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from 3.1.20 to 3.1.21
Actions #6

Updated by Benoît PECCATTE over 7 years ago

First just enlarge the last column to the width of the page.
And enlarge a little bit the 2nd one.

Actions #7

Updated by Raphael GAUTHIER over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Pending technical review
  • Assignee changed from Raphael GAUTHIER to Vincent MEMBRÉ
  • Pull Request set to
Actions #8

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
Actions #9

Updated by Alexis Mousset over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending release to Released

This bug has been fixed in Rudder 3.1.21 which was released today.


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