User story #10913
closedadd zip as a dependency to rudder webapp
Pull Request:
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Fix check:
We need to be able to zip files for the dsc agent (see #10905)
However, zip is not always installed on linux, so it needs to either become a dependency, or we need to ship it in the webapp (through a jar ?)
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 7 years ago
- Related to User story #10905: Zip promises post generation for dsc agent added
Updated by Alexis Mousset over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.2.0~prototype to 4.2.0~beta1
Updated by Alexis Mousset over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.2.0~beta1 to 4.2.0~beta2
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.2.0~beta2 to 4.2.0~beta3
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.2.0~beta3 to 4.2.0~rc1
Updated by François ARMAND over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
We don't want a dependancy on rudder, but on the plugin. For now, they are not required by the plugin, but the plugin installation output errors if they are not met. So rejecting that one.