



Bug #11171


Error when trying to remove a node

Added by Alexis Mousset about 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Target version:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


Could not remove Node '948f88aa-8511-4f1f-94b3-05f9cb8250ef' from Rudder

There was an error while deleting Node <- Error when deleting a node <- Could not remove the node '948f88aa-8511-4f1f-94b3-05f9cb8250ef' from the groups <- Could not update group hasPolicyServer-root to remove node '948f88aa-8511-4f1f-94b3-05f9cb8250ef' <- Cannot change the group name to All nodes managed by root policy server : there is already a group with the same name

Log contains

[2017-07-26 14:04:16] INFO  com.normation.rudder.batch.AsyncDeploymentAgent - Successful policy update '18' [started 2017-07-26 14:03:56 - ended 2017-07-26 14:04:16]
[2017-07-26 14:04:55] ERROR com.normation.rudder.repository.ldap.WoLDAPNodeGroupRepository - More than one node group has 'All nodes managed by root policy server' name
[2017-07-26 14:04:55] ERROR - There was an error while deleting Node <- Error when deleting a node <- Could not remove the node 'd8f31f7d-321c-4409-8e28-613d2914a7ca' from the groups <- Could not update group hasPolicyServer-root to remove node 'd8f31f7d-321c-4409-8e28-613d2914a7ca' <- Cannot change the group name to All nodes managed by root policy server : there is already a group with the same name
[2017-07-26 14:05:09] ERROR com.normation.rudder.repository.ldap.WoLDAPNodeGroupRepository - More than one node group has 'All nodes managed by root policy server' name
[2017-07-26 14:05:09] ERROR - There was an error while deleting Node <- Error when deleting a node <- Could not remove the node '948f88aa-8511-4f1f-94b3-05f9cb8250ef' from the groups <- Could not update group hasPolicyServer-root to remove node '948f88aa-8511-4f1f-94b3-05f9cb8250ef' <- Cannot change the group name to All nodes managed by root policy server : there is already a group with the same name
[2017-07-26 14:05:13] ERROR com.normation.rudder.repository.ldap.WoLDAPNodeGroupRepository - More than one node group has 'All nodes managed by root policy server' name
[2017-07-26 14:05:13] ERROR - There was an error while deleting Node <- Error when deleting a node <- Could not remove the node '948f88aa-8511-4f1f-94b3-05f9cb8250ef' from the groups <- Could not update group hasPolicyServer-root to remove node '948f88aa-8511-4f1f-94b3-05f9cb8250ef' <- Cannot change the group name to All nodes managed by root policy server : there is already a group with the same name

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Rudder - User story #10953: Add system groups/rules/directives for windows dsc agentReleasedNicolas CHARLESActions
Related to Rudder - Bug #11183: Group "All nodes known by Rudder directly connected to the XXXX server" excludes DSC nodesReleasedFrançois ARMANDActions
Actions #1

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

  • Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Nicolas CHARLES
Actions #2

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

issue is that all groups for relay have the name:All nodes managed by root policy server

Actions #3

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

oddly, there groups have the following query also


Actions #4

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

Check on boot rewrite the system groups wrongly:

[2017-07-27 08:58:29] INFO  bootchecks - [#9] Check that system group / directive / rules for Rudder 4.2 are agent-specific
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Dynamic group update started at 2017/07/27 08:58:28, ended at 2017/07/27 08:58:29
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group ecad96c0-5853-4a03-9249-7b9f76a3aec1: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group b91650ea-d075-4e4d-95bf-f482e04151be: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group hasPolicyServer-root: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group hasPolicyServer-f3267c51-58fd-42fb-ad6b-c0be1dab70fa: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group 3687053e-8c5c-4154-b4a4-184bd7b7e616: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group 3df48519-8231-462c-aad6-c8f2e5fb8a47: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group 96e8888a-4187-4b4a-b631-31dd3f5e53e4: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group all-nodes-with-dsc-agent: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group c40e9099-0b18-4873-880a-30b5cf7b9d69: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group hasPolicyServer-3b4e5601-9a93-481f-aae4-22583e437af1: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Group all-nodes-with-cfengine-agent: adding nothing, removing nothing
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] INFO  bootchecks - Updating system configuration stored in entry 'nodeGroupId=hasPolicyServer-3b4e5601-9a93-481f-aae4-22583e437af1,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration': LDIFModifyChangeRecord(dn='nodeGroupId=hasPolicyServer-3b4e5601-9a93-481f-aae4-22583e437af1,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration', mods={LDAPModification(type=replace, attr=cn, values={'All nodes managed by root policy server'}), LDAPModification(type=replace, attr=jsonNodeGroupQuery, values={'{"select":"nodeAndPolicyServer","composition":"And","where":[{"objectType":"node","attribute":"policyServerId","comparator":"eq","value":"3b4e5601-9a93-481f-aae4-22583e437af1"},{"objectType":"node","attribute":"agentName","comparator":"eq","value":"cfengine"}]}'})})
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] INFO  bootchecks - Updating system configuration stored in entry 'nodeGroupId=hasPolicyServer-f3267c51-58fd-42fb-ad6b-c0be1dab70fa,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration': LDIFModifyChangeRecord(dn='nodeGroupId=hasPolicyServer-f3267c51-58fd-42fb-ad6b-c0be1dab70fa,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration', mods={LDAPModification(type=replace, attr=cn, values={'All nodes managed by root policy server'})})
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] INFO  bootchecks - Updating system configuration stored in entry 'nodeGroupId=all-nodes-with-cfengine-agent,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration': LDIFModifyChangeRecord(dn='nodeGroupId=all-nodes-with-cfengine-agent,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration', mods={LDAPModification(type=replace, attr=jsonNodeGroupQuery, values={'{"select":"nodeAndPolicyServer","composition":"And","where":[ {"objectType":"node","attribute":"agentName","comparator":"eq","value":"cfengine"} ]}'})})
[2017-07-27 08:58:29] DEBUG bootchecks - [#9] Check that system group / directive / rules for Rudder 4.2 are agent-specific: OK in [47 ms] ms

Actions #5

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

  • Related to User story #10953: Add system groups/rules/directives for windows dsc agent added
Actions #6

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In progress
Actions #8

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
  • Assignee changed from Nicolas CHARLES to François ARMAND
  • Pull Request set to
Actions #9

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

  • Related to Bug #11183: Group "All nodes known by Rudder directly connected to the XXXX server" excludes DSC nodes added
Actions #10

Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
Actions #11

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending release to Released

This bug has been fixed in Rudder 4.2.0~beta3 which was released today.


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