Bug #13531
Audit/Enforce button in directive page should be similar to node page
Added by Alexandre BRIANCEAU over 6 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
Web - Config management
Trivial - no functional impact | cosmetic
User visibility:
Getting started - demo | first install | level 1 Techniques
Effort required:
Very Small
Hi team,
In a node details, in the tab Settings, we can set a node mode (Audit or Enforce) with a nice button :

But in a directive, it's not clear and it's hard to find the field to change because it doesn't look like this nice buttin :(

Can you make the same button ? Or is it possible to make field more "distinguable" ?
- Assignee set to Raphael GAUTHIER
- Target version set to 4.1.15
- User visibility set to Getting started - demo | first install | level 1 Techniques
- Effort required set to Very Small
- Priority changed from 0 to 76
- Target version changed from 4.1.15 to 4.1.16
- Target version changed from 4.1.16 to 4.1.17
- Priority changed from 76 to 75
- Target version changed from 4.1.17 to 4.1.18
- Priority changed from 75 to 0
- Target version changed from 4.1.18 to 4.1.19
- Target version changed from 4.1.19 to 4.1.20
- Target version changed from 4.1.20 to 4.1.21
- Target version changed from 4.1.21 to 4.1.22
- Target version changed from 4.1.22 to 4.1.23
- Target version changed from 4.1.23 to 4.1.24
- Target version changed from 4.1.24 to 588
- Target version changed from 588 to 5.0.13
- Target version changed from 5.0.13 to 5.0.14
- Target version changed from 5.0.14 to 5.0.15
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Raphael GAUTHIER to Vincent MEMBRÉ
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder/pull/2586
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
- Subject changed from Audit/Enforce button in directive page should be similar than node page to Audit/Enforce button in directive page should be similar to node page
- Name check changed from To do to Reviewed
- Fix check changed from To do to Checked
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 5.0.15 which was released today.
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