Bug #14869
closedThere are no proper rights to allow a user to see the plugins interfaces
I tried to give a user custom rights to be able to manage the plugins web interfaces.
There were no way to do it except by granting them full administrator rights, which is a problem for example:
if we want to have a synched server with only read-only rights for all users to prevent any configuration modification, we will not be able to also give plugins overview to those users and so, we will not be able to easily
check the different plugins states.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 5.0-1.3 to 5.0-1.4
Updated by François ARMAND over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
I'm closing that one as it should be a per plugin pb (ie: a plugin can choose to set it's admin page somewhere else than in admin). If you have more specific use case, can you open a ticket for each one saying "that plugin conf page must be allowed to user with this rights".
Still, today we don't have a per-plugin right management, and THIS is a big limitation, but a new feature (not just a bug).