User story #14889
closedHave the property of a specific node available for all nodes (in directive)
Used case (personnal dyndns)
property = variable wan ip of a host (behind an orange box for example)
directive hosts to update /etc/hosts with this ip
Solution :
at generation interpret ${<node name or uid>.properties[key]} et not only ${[key]}
Updated by Alexis Mousset almost 6 years ago
- Tracker changed from Architecture to User story
- Category set to Web - Nodes & inventories
- Target version set to Ideas (not version specific)
Updated by François ARMAND almost 6 years ago
This is interesting.
I see three main problem before we can do that:
- it will be challenging to keep tracks of changes, b/c it means that we now have a graphe of node interdependencies;
- the graphe need to be directed, and so policy generation order becomes meaningful
- and I don't know how to deal with cycles.
So, we need to be able to build the directed dependency graphe not only for directive/rules but also for nodes and ensure it has nice properties (acyclic)
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 6 years ago
What about security, a property may be private to a node, we don't want to leak this information to another node
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 6 years ago
We don't have dependency between properties, so it's only checking that it is defined for that node (and checking that a node exists) and break policy generation if so
My main concern is more like benoit said, do we want to leak that information? I think we should only generate that value server side, not leaking it as a variable to the node directly.
We could still use a default value though
Updated by François ARMAND about 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Regression set to No
We won't do that in a forseeble future. Properties can be managed by group or optained by script / inventory properties