



Bug #16532


centreon-plugin not apply technics

Added by pascal legrand almost 5 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Target version:
Major - prevents use of part of Rudder | no simple workaround
UX impact:
User visibility:
Operational - other Techniques | Rudder settings | Plugins
Effort required:
Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do


In rudder in compliance report :
Host follows TH_OS-SYS-Linux-Centos-7 monitoring template was correct

in centreon : --> Rudder agent node 083cdeb9-b984-49ad-9cd5-de27afa39adf --> --> Central --> generic-active-host-custom

TH_OS-SYS-Linux-Centos-7 not present in template of server

in command line all is good :

/opt/rudder/bin/centreon-plugin synchronize-hosts
[ ] Pulling data from Rudder server API...
[+] Done
[ ] Checking if Centreon is up-to-date...
[+] Done
[root@rudder-omr rudder]# /opt/rudder/bin/centreon-plugin apply-configuration
[+] Done

Actions #1

Updated by pascal legrand almost 5 years ago

[root@centreon-central tmp]# rudder agent run -i
Rudder agent 6.0.2.release
Node uuid: 083cdeb9-b984-49ad-9cd5-de27afa39adf
Start execution with config [20200114-104933-de8dd16e]

2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Automatically promoting context scope for 'heartbeat_sent' to namespace visibility, due to persistence
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 R: [INFO] Starting CFEngine 3.12.3 on host (centos_7 x86_64)
M| State         Technique                 Component                 Key                Message
E| compliant     Common                    ncf Initialization                           Configuration library initialization was correct
E| compliant     Common                    Security parameters                          The internal environment security is acceptable
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Deleted file '/var/rudder/cfengine-community/outputs/cf_centreon_central_communaute_omr_fr__1578390864_Tue_Jan__7_10_54_24_2020_0x7f9baff9b700'
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Deleted file '/var/rudder/modified-files/_var_rudder_tmp_rudder_monitoring_csv_1576403673_Sun_Dec_15_10_54_34_2019_cf_before_edit'
E| compliant     Common                    CRON Daemon                                  Cron daemon status was correct
E| compliant     Common                    Log system for reports                       Reports forwarding to policy server was correct
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Deleted file '/var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv'
   info          Common                    None                      /var/rudder/tmp/r| Remove file /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv was repaired
   info          Inventory                 inventory                                    An inventory was already sent less than 8 hours ago
E| compliant     Inventory                 inventory                                    Next inventory scheduled between 00:00 and 06:00
E| compliant     Centreon_plugins          File check exists         /etc/yum.repos.d/| Check if /etc/yum.repos.d/centreon-plugin-packs.repo exists was correct
E| n/a           Centreon_plugins          File content              /etc/yum.repos.d/| Skipping method 'File content' with key parameter '/etc/yum.repos.d/centreon-plugin-packs.repo' since condition 'any.(file_check_exists__etc_yum_repos_d_centreon_plugin_packs_repo_error)' is not reached was not applicable
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Created file '/var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv', mode 0600
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Moved '/var/rudder/tmp/' to repository location '/var/rudder/modified-files/_var_rudder_tmp_rudder_monitoring_csv_1578995895_Tue_Jan_14_10_58_16_2020_cf_before_edit'
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Edit file '/var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv'
   info          Centreon_Template_Centos7 Monitoring template       /var/rudder/tmp/r| Insert content into /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv was repaired
   info          Centreon_Template_Centos7 Monitoring template       /var/rudder/tmp/r| Insert content into /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv was repaired
   info          Centreon_Template_Centos7 Monitoring template       /var/rudder/tmp/r| Append content if needed into /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv was repaired
E| compliant     Centreon_Template_Centos7 Monitoring template       TH_OS-SYS-Linux-C| Host follows TH_OS-SYS-Linux-Centos-7 monitoring template was correct
E| error         Centreon_Template_Centos7 Sharedfile to node        centreon-template  File /var/rudder/shared-files/ does not exist could not be repaired
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Executing 'no timeout' ... '/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-sign /var/rudder/shared-files/ 1.1'
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00    error: Finished command related to promiser '/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-sign' -- an error occurred, returned 2
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00   notice: Q: "...udder-sign /var": ERROR: Cannot sign: The file /var/rudder/shared-files/ doesn't exist
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Last 1 quoted lines were generated by promiser '/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-sign /var/rudder/shared-files/ 1.1'
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 rudder     info: Completed execution of '/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-sign /var/rudder/shared-files/ 1.1'
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00    error: Method 'sharedfile_to_node' failed in some repairs
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00    error: Method 'Centreon_Template_Centos7' failed in some repairs
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00    error: Method 'run_98694c0b_722f_4b7f_8051_5395fbb764da' failed in some repairs
2020-01-14T09:58:16+00:00 R: [INFO] Executing is-active on snmpd using the systemctl method
E| compliant     SNMP_Configuration        Service check running     snmpd              Check if the service snmpd is started was correct
   info          SNMP_Configuration        Package check installed   net-snmp           Verify that package net-snmp is installed was correct
E| compliant     SNMP_Configuration        Package check installed   net-snmp           Check that package net-snmp is installed was correct
   info          SNMP_Configuration        Package check installed   net-snmp-utils     Verify that package net-snmp-utils is installed was correct
E| compliant     SNMP_Configuration        Package check installed   net-snmp-utils     Check that package net-snmp-utils is installed was correct
E| compliant     SNMP_Configuration        File content              /etc/snmp/snmpd.c| Insert content into /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf was correct
E| n/a           SNMP_Configuration        Package absent            net-snmp           Skipping method 'Package absent' with key parameter 'net-snmp' since condition 'any.(service_check_running_snmpd_error)' is not reached was not applicable
E| n/a           SNMP_Configuration        Package absent            net-snmp-utils     Skipping method 'Package absent' with key parameter 'net-snmp-utils' since condition 'any.(service_check_running_snmpd_error)' is not reached was not applicable
E| n/a           SNMP_Configuration        Command execution         yum install -y ne| Skipping method 'Command execution' with key parameter 'yum install -y net-snmp' since condition 'centos.(package_check_installed_net_snmp_error)' is not reached was not applicable
E| n/a           SNMP_Configuration        Command execution         yum install -y ne| Skipping method 'Command execution' with key parameter 'yum install -y net-snmp-utils' since condition 'centos.(package_check_installed_net_snmp_utils_error)' is not reached was not applicable
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 rudder     info: Executing 'no timeout' ... '/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-sign /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv 1.1'
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 rudder     info: Completed execution of '/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-sign /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv 1.1'
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 rudder     info: Executing 'no timeout' ... 'code=`/opt/rudder/bin/curl --insecure --tlsv1 --location --head --output /dev/null --silent --fail --write-out %{http_code}` || if [ $code -eq 404 ]; then exit 22; elif [ $code -eq 200 ]; then exit 0; else exit 254; fi'
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 rudder     info: Command related to promiser 'code=`/opt/rudder/bin/curl --insecure --tlsv1 --location --head --output /dev/null --silent --fail --write-out %{http_code}` || if [ $code -eq 404 ]; then exit 22; elif [ $code -eq 200 ]; then exit 0; else exit 254; fi' returned code defined as promise repaired 22
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 rudder     info: Completed execution of 'code=`/opt/rudder/bin/curl --insecure --tlsv1 --location --head --output /dev/null --silent --fail --write-out %{http_code}` || if [ $code -eq 404 ]; then exit 22; elif [ $code -eq 200 ]; then exit 0; else exit 254; fi'
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 rudder     info: Executing 'no timeout' ... 'echo | cat /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv.sign - /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv | /opt/rudder/bin/curl --insecure --tlsv1 --location --request PUT --output /dev/null --silent --fail --header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' --data-binary @-'
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00    error: Command related to promiser 'echo | cat /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv.sign - /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv | /opt/rudder/bin/curl' returned code defined as promise failed 22
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 rudder     info: Completed execution of 'echo | cat /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv.sign - /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv | /opt/rudder/bin/curl --insecure --tlsv1 --location --request PUT --output /dev/null --silent --fail --header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' --data-binary @-'
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00 R: @@@@log_repaired@@@@Monitoring@@rudder_monitoring.csv@@2020-01-14 09                                                                                                                  the name rudder_monitoring.csv for 1d was repaired
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00    error: Method 'sharedfile_to_node' failed in some repairs
E| repaired      Common                    Monitoring                                   Share Rud
2020-01-14T09:58:17+00:00    error: Method 'monitoring_hook_post' failed in some repairs
warning  1 reports were not parsable.

## Summary #####################################################################
18 components verified in 8 directives
   => 18 components in Enforce mode
      -> 11 compliant
      -> 1 repaired
      -> 5 not-applicable
      -> 1 error
Execution time: 2.02s
[root@centreon-central tmp]# ls -l /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv
-rw------- 1 root root 34 Jan 14 10:58 /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv
[root@centreon-central tmp]# cat /var/rudder/tmp/rudder_monitoring.csv.sign
digest=59199ef5ebb2c587329ae60aef7d8a034e3c3b1005bdd0313017326880f39b254291f4e982a6f84e2e83efab8e                                                                                                                  6699e0320086206715116fab4cc298031cf76f51a571ed9dbb5771d62dcd84b8b72fdab190b4251ed892fa772504dbe60                                                                                                                  87e64f64abba0b5f752cc1052d55bd19bea819e3f1df08bb0e2e14fc5c1c5ebe7cb3528f3c7140e00391dec6d7f8d3afb                                                                                                                  1e54cb85f61f91a89c04c24805f8d93e3a302fd01a39378cc339d7f4993a8c558f48c87b01aa03ccd2ac6734ec1d2e2f8                                                                                                                  b569ad40b5e09d794ce368bb0bcadfde9aafe383e068ca4b1fb643fbefe16e7ac08109bcd9def2e15bed5565df3e0a4c8
short_pubkey=MIICCgKCAgEA6MsN6K7zfg8n0ZlPQrT+Grq1RXAdMigmEFb3W31UOkE15ImpbxMPYvgyTKVduJ4i/jwkYc7Q                                                                                                                  L1bVed7oK5t+TBhm5pkRJYVFFPt8buvjxirvDYresOK2DPYulLiHqyLLckNDMEErPVHTOqjR3XknOu1mvluyskDjyqw1N0atS                                                                                                                  RbC/elhgqMYqdLREeKcWgJHVnhdlDqTt+DVQpTJ37+/E3vBrlUJw4ZyJl6BIE7CD4fUO7GUpSqH5uDjPXvvZgaqJPNlRXPl0J                                                                                                                  rEWf/7VW511QQeHkEHf7WCWu8PB6Rwv1cWoTiS7kc+yxd45a/tLaqx5+aCh2t9FlUYokSI5t9HkCAwEAAQ==
keydate=2019-10-31 11:56:49.487703795 +0100
[root@centreon-central tmp]# /opt/rudder/bin/curl                                                                                                                  c55b0a7e88c4883cb95836f63106bab38d64e28aef2d890076f4ec8a7a347e712c6814f38d59213e7312d1d770 --inse
curl: option --write-out: requires parameter
curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information

test du curl :

[root@centreon-central tmp]# /opt/rudder/bin/curl                                                                                                                  c55b0a7e88c4883cb95836f63106bab38d64e28aef2d890076f4ec8a7a347e712c6814f38d59213e7312d1d770 --inse
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 10:07:09 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips mod_wsgi/3.4 Python/2.7.5
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Chrome-Exponential-Throttling: disable
X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
Actions #2

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 5 years ago

  • Project changed from Rudder to Centreon
  • Category deleted (Web - Compliance & node report)
  • Target version changed from 6.0.3 to 6.0-1.3
Actions #3

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 6.0-1.3 to 6.0-1.4
Actions #4

Updated by François ARMAND over 4 years ago

  • User visibility set to Operational - other Techniques | Rudder settings | Plugins
  • Priority changed from 0 to 48
Actions #5

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from 6.0-1.4 to 7.2
  • Priority changed from 48 to 0
Actions #6

Updated by Alexis Mousset about 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from 7.2 to 7.3

Also available in: Atom PDF