Bug #18084
closedInventory property key disappeared
I had an aws node with its aws hook working fine, I came today and saw that the property was missing from its properties webpage.
Also, running an inventory on the node made it came back in the interface. This is very odd since those inventory based properties should not be removable, and they are often used
as group criteria. I have not idea of what happens nor why, it looked like it worked fine before.
Also, I found out that one of my aws region base group was based on the criteria "system=Linux" which I am pretty sure was always something like "AWS-meta-data:$.[?(@.placement.region=="eu-west-1")]" on properties:jsonpath. This is confusing since the event logs are saying that the criteria was always the default one for this group: "system=Linux".
I first thought that I just forgot to save the group when I created it, but the exact same group had the same problem on 2 others servers of mine out of 4. This looks like I was either really not paying attention to what I was doing or something odd prevented the save/change in criteria.
Also, I was fairly sure that I double check my groups since I used group based property override on them last week. There are nothing in the logs nor in event logs that could support my felling that something is broken here.
I will update the ticket if one of those 2 issues are occuring again on my servers